ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell took the new Zenith 750 Cruzer on a test flight while at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo 2014.
After landing, Jim spent some time with Sebastien Heintz, the President and owner of the Zenith Aircraft Company. Jim started his questioning by asking Heintz how Zenith could take their model 750 STOL airplane and turn it into an airplane that offered such good cruise performance.
Heintz responded by saying that they realize the original 750 STOL airplane gave up performance on the high-end to achieve its super STOL capabilities. The redesign of the 750 into the Cruzer variation amounted to far more than minor changes. As the interview progresses, Campbell reports on the handling qualities of the airplane and points out that it still has excellent short field performance capabilities. The 750 Cruzer is available in kit form only (for now) and its construction is in line with the Zenith philosophy of "keep-it-simple."
There are lots of in-flight scenes in this video and even some birds got into the action. The Zenith 750 Cruzer is destined to become a very popular kit plane.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 930


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Comment by Dr. Edward L. Olds III on March 17, 2014 at 12:36pm

Very nice video and a real plus for Zenith sales.  I love my 750, but a few extra knots would be great.

Comment by David Griggs on March 17, 2014 at 7:29am
Of the five featured videos three played, Aero mag and Shelly Beach did not.
Comment by David Griggs on March 17, 2014 at 7:23am
I have trouble with links on this site too. I am using an IPad, some videos play some don't.
Comment by Michael Heit on March 15, 2014 at 4:55pm

For the life of me why won't Kindle HD play videos off the links? I can play youtube videos but it will not open the videos on this site? Go figure ...

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