Flying from skis: Winter fun in the snow!

Roger goes flying with Bob in his Zenith STOL CH 701 equipped with custom wheel-skis next to the Zenith Aircraft Company factory in Mexico, Missouri.

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Comment by Bob Jones on January 5, 2012 at 5:09pm

Roger, wheel penetration ski's have a lot of drag, also the plane would take off better if the incidence angle were increased , we have found it takes about 3.5*,so we add a spacer onto the nose gear, without it when you get in deep snow the prop digs the nose down and you are stuck !!! with wheel penetration ski's you also need drop in plates to fill the wheel holes [they are held in by reinflating the tires] when in deep snow .There is also no substitute for horse power,on floats or ski's, I dont see a air scoop on the cowl so I'm assuming it has an 80 or 95 horse rotax,that last five horsepower really helps, I still have straight ski plans available, they are based on Chris's design and work very well , I probably have 500 landings on all types of snow,...BOB   

Comment by Tim Garrett on February 5, 2011 at 7:19am

I think Roger made a Freudian slip at 7:49 - "look at the floats, er I mean skis." Would he rather be on floats in the Bahamas or somewhere warm?


Its snowing again this morning in Missouri. Me, too, Roger

Comment by Harmen van der Velden on February 4, 2011 at 8:54pm

Excellent footage for a 701 builder in Massachusetts ( record snow fall so far) Working on a set of skis, slight modification planned to no-weld-um skis will post results if successful ....  either as landing skis , or modern high tech bird baths. Completion of the set, if useful as landing gear will guarantee snowless winters to come, good thing , my snow blower is wearing out. (had 4 weeks of rain right after I bought my first airplane)

Harmen ( almost Bob) van der Velden.

Comment by Ernie Weightman on February 3, 2011 at 12:33pm
Nice piece of work, gives a guy the bug. Guess I'll have to get that 750 project started.My 601 would feel strange on skiis.
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on February 3, 2011 at 10:30am

Yes, they went back and forth 4 or 5 times before taking off.  It was pretty draggy in the soft snow and the skis probably would have benefited with some wax.

Here's the video clip with Bob flying solo from both snow and runway: Winter flying with wheel-skis on the Zenith STOL

Comment by Danny Creech on February 2, 2011 at 10:58pm
How many laps did he make with you before taking off? It looked like about four. So, then the next question is why? Was it because he had to pack the snow down first? I'm never flown with skis on.
Comment by dan glaze on February 2, 2011 at 6:30pm
looks like so much fun, who made the skis?  and are you going to sun n fun this year?
Comment by Jonathan Porter on February 2, 2011 at 12:13pm
Sorry to hear of your snow fall... we are in the North of Ghana, West Africa, looking at runway locations and at potential water landing areas... most days are over 100F - so we are sending a package of warm weather... do not be surprised if customs blocks it... but know that we are thinking of you all in the chills...
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on February 2, 2011 at 9:15am
This video is from last week, before the big snow storm. It would be interesting to try on 18-inches of fresh snow!

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