Plans built CH701 with a 2276 Vw, Valley Engineering 1.6 redrive, 74" Powerfin prop, 1075 lbs takeoff weight, 620' msl, 70 degree ambient temp.

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Comment by Wayne Clagg on October 14, 2013 at 2:38pm

Hey michel, go to this website. there are several pictures in 4 different albums that'll give you an idea. You can also go to the google blog site and look up "Wayne's experiments, welcome"

I have abandoned the vw and installed a rotax, the whole history is on the blog site. let me know of any help you need.

Comment by michel on October 14, 2013 at 1:08pm

hello Wayne

I am now in the process of installing the same engine as you

I wonder if you send me some pictures how you install the oil cooler

sorry for my English I use a translator

thank you very much

Comment by Bob McDonald on January 17, 2012 at 11:29am

Wayne this is a great video.... now can you shoot another with the Rotax 912S installed for comparison? I would imagine a much higher rate climb and lower deck angle would be easily seen in the comparison. Engine reliability there is no comparison to the Rotax 912 vs VW.

Comment by Wayne Clagg on July 13, 2010 at 12:38pm
Hi Ian, my strip is about 1320', 440 yards. It is one way in and one way out. In the video you can see me circling around to the right on approach, those trees that I come over when I first come into view are about 300 yards from the threshold. I usually land about half way down the strip to reduce taxi time. A good pilot could do much better, I have done better, but now I just fly the approach where I feel comfortable. I could slow it down on the short final and drag it in on the prop and stop in the first 600' easy but I just don't need to do it so I don't take the chance. Wayne
Comment by Ian Walsh on July 13, 2010 at 7:07am
Hi Wayne,
Thanks for the video.I have a 701 and also a very short strip:240 yards and will need a 50 degree dog leg on the approach. I would be interested to know the length of you strip and the height and distance of the trees from the threshold.
With best regards,
Ian Walsh. U.K. G-CBGD
Comment by Razvan Chiriac on March 19, 2010 at 1:16pm
Nice video and I am imprest of that climb performance. I have also a vw enigen in my 601 hd but with direct drive.

congratulation and fly safe
Comment by Wayne Clagg on March 19, 2010 at 6:15am
The plane weighs 742lbs empty. Yea 742. When I built it I put everything in it but the kitchen sink because I had estimated my empty weight based on published data that the VW weighed 180 lbs with a redrive. Well mine weighs 223 lbs complete and hanging on the firewall. My estimates for the other goodies and gadgets were a bit on the conservative side also. I plan on doing a weight reduction plan this winter to improve performance. Thanks for the compliment!
Comment by Tommy Walker on March 18, 2010 at 11:06pm
Hi Wayne,
That is a great looking airplane!
What is the empty weight?
Comment by Wayne Clagg on March 18, 2010 at 7:32pm
Thanks for all of compliments. I had a lengthy article last year in the Zenair News newsletter and there is an update in the next one coming out shortly.
Comment by Terry Sadler on March 18, 2010 at 7:30pm
Great to see 701 flying with the VW, I have the ssame set up and am waiting for inspection at the moment.. I have been taxing and can get the mains off the ground in 60-70ft can't wait to fly it Terry

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