I started working with a KitLog Pro program for keeping track of my build.  I have had several issues with it, the most recent being a dead hard drive.  When I tried to load KitLog on my 64 bit machine, it is incompatible. George Race kindly offered to let me test a new version of his program, but it also has problems with my Windows XP Home Premium OS.  I've got 954 hours of work on the KitLog system that is lost, I don't want that again.  Any ideas for a good logging program, or should I get a bunch of number 2 pencils and a yellow legal pad?


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Thanks for the help. This has been a major hassle!


After losing data twice with KitLog Pro and having a very slow response from them, I am now using Excel for tracking my hours and expenses and pasting pictures into a Word doc. I note my hours and a word or two what I was doing on my wall calendar in the hangar and then do a periodic update into Excel and Word. All is well now.




Thanks, I am trying everything, but having no real success with any.  I will try the pasting idea.



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