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My 701 passed it's inspection on Mar 1. I took the first flight on Friday, 4-12-2013. All went well and I'm on my way to phase I testing. I was simply amazed at the information I got from the Dynon Skyview. The black box records at the rate of 16 times per second and the regular output file is programable for rate desired for information gathering. Using the recorded information I have reviewed the flight numerous times looking at engine performance and flight attitudes. I reviewed the exact pitch and bank angles. Although it recorded my engine pressure/temps and what not, to bad I didn't have a blood pressure cuff in place for it to record. I can see that the flight testing will be enhanced by having all of the perfomance information and flight attitudes replayed. I have flown that one flight quite a few times now, specifically looking for places in the flight I memories of that were both great and challenging (not so good). There was no way I could have recorded audio or reported on the radio such detailed data - - I was to busy flying the plane. If you haven't looked at the version 5.1 software package for the Skyview, I suggest you do. The recording is just a short section at the end of the manual and it deserves considerably more attention! ---- Terry
Thanks for your comment on my panel.
I see you are working on your panel. That is quite a job and took longer than I thought it would. One thing I was pleased with is the sub-panel for switches. When I take that loose and the Dynon loose, I can reach anything behind the panel so I will never have a problem getting to items behind the panel at a later time. You may want to consider something of a similar nature. You can cut those big holes in the panel supplied with the kit and install the factory panel in the plane. Smaller holes or angles to stiffen things up are easy to add when there is not a problem getting behind the panel.
Congrats, Terry. I finished my 701's phase 1 last November. I have 55 hours so far. Looking forward to the 2013 flying season. Enjoy!
Congrats on the first flight!
After reading your report, I wish that the Skyview was available when I built my bird!
Blue skys ahead,
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