Hi all,

We are searching for an experimental airplane to use for a stunt where a skydiver jumps from one airplane and catches a diving airplane in free-fall. We've had 100% success performing this stunt with a variety of airplanes (see attached photos). In the process of requesting approval from our local FSDO to use a 182 (which we used in another country in the past), we were directed by them to go this route to avoid the need for approval in the US. Our hope is to find a high wing experimental aircraft.

This project will be for a Japanese television program with a good budget. The stunt is scheduled for early July. If you or anybody you know of might be interested, please contact Troy Hartman at troy@troyhartman.com or Joe Jennings at joe@skydive.tv . Or send a private message here.

Thank you!

Troy Hartman

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Sport Aviation does not need a black mark like this to stain it's reputation. I would hope that you would stick with certified aircraft for this purpose. I would also hope no Zenith aircraft are used for anything like this.

Troy and Joe:

This is stupid and dangerous and the type of thing that eventually leads to tragedy. 

After every such tragedy the question asked is, "why didn't they exercise better judgment prior to doing this in the first place?"  That question is then followed by the statement, "This should be illegal.  Let's make a law."

This is your chance to exercise that better judgment before someone gets killed.  Knock it off, guys.  

Bill Marvel

Zenith 801 owner

Grand Junction, Colorado 

Very well said Bill. This kind of activity is horrible for sport aviation.

Hey guys,

PLEASE don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. We've already done this stunt successfully 5 times, with a total of about 25 "airplane freefalls" during development and testing. The final stunt has been very well received by the aviation community and of course the general public. We are professionals and this is what we do for a living. We are not stupid dangerous daredevils. The stunt community has done a lot for the progression of man and machine in our world, and it is hard not to take some offense to certain comments.

Over the years we have been doing this exact stunt, we've met with many FSDO's in different jurisdictions, and they have all been supportive of our efforts and applauded our method of developing and testing. But the process of getting approval for a certified aircraft is complicated and time consuming. We've had to be creative in the past (typically going to other countries). The aircraft owners that allowed the use of their planes have always made very good money, and asked us to please call them again if we are to do the stunt again. 

This time around, we need to do it in the US. The FSDO reps have said, "Go get an experimental and have fun. We cannot wait to watch."

There will be naysayers no matter what, but hopefully there are  few aircraft owners out there that see the opportunity to be part of a great project.


Troy Hartman

I don't see anything here that would cause you to take offense. Not only that, homebuilders can not "make good money" on a stunt like this. That would be illegal. One of the reasons you are asking us to do this is so you can "save" money! Please keep this in the realm of certified aircraft. Homebuilders can not afford an accident like this. Just because you have done this successfully 5 times puts you in the category of "lucky". Please don't spoil the homebuilding sport for the rest of us. 

It is not illegal to rent your experimental out for this. We've used experimental aircraft for stunts multiple times and paid the owners good money. Their aircraft was covered by insurance. We cannot keep this in the realm of certified aircraft, as I mentioned above. 

I feel you are being ignorant saying that we are just lucky. Sorry, not trying to start a fight, but defend myself. 

Ignorant? Really? Experimental aircraft can not be used in a commercial operations. rental aircraft are a commercial operation. The rule is 21.191 Experimental certificates. 

Trust me, it can be done.

I'm sure it can. Do it legally, safely, and have fun. You simply can not use a homebuilt aircraft for this and be legal if you plan on paying for it and you plan to use aerobatic maneuvers in an aircraft not certified for aerobatics. 

What's with the outrage? Is this any more "stupid and dangerous" than elite level aerobatics? I think not.

Why don't you buy a plane yourself?  They can be had for 20k.  If your stunt goes wrong then its your A$$ and your plane.

I had no clue one of these could be purchased for $20k, completely built with engine. If anybody on this forum, or anybody you know, wants to part with your flying Zenith for $20k, please send us a message.


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