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I have been struggling with carburetors since the begining, two years ago and have finally got it working as it should. I have learned a lot in this during this time and wanted to share it with you.
Tale of two Carbs
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The gist of the article is this, I didn't know what I didn't know and now I do.
I was floundering and really did not know that 1400+ EGT's were too high, 5.5 GPH is too low at full rich full throttle.
A super fast way to tune any engine is with a wide band O2 sensor. You can your problem instantly. I remember when I build a custom motorcycle and it came time to get it running. I didn't know much about carbs and I didn't know how to tune properly. Like you I learned everything I could and got it figured out. Some times the long way around is the best way around.
Sorry you had to go through all these problems. Thanks for sharing though. I am building a CH 650 B and will be putting the Corvair in it. Learning from others helps us all.
An interesting and informative read, Ron. Thanks. I will be using a Corvair also so your info will be of help.
That's great information. Thanks for posting. Should be helpful.
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