Q&A - Zodiac 601XL -650 for the latest upgrade drawings of November 24 2009

This Q&A is for the upgrade kit of the Zodiac 601XL & 650 based on drawings of Nov. 24, 2009 and AMD Safety Alert of November 7. 2009

New drawings:
Nov. 24, 2009: We've updated the draft Drawings 6-ZU-1, 6-ZU-2, 6-ZU-3 and 6-ZU-4, and LAA Aileron Balance.

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The important thing is that 6-ZU-1-2 set to the spar as shown in the drawing 6-ZU-1. It is 100% bolted in place and the ribs need to fit around that. However, I will see if we can give more instructions on the older 4 rib installation.

I see that new drawings dated 9 Dec 2009 are up at


and they are not marked with the DRAFT notation. Are these the final drawings??

You are 100% correct. Zenith is satisfied that the drawings will work. Yes, there are still a few errors that will have to be corrected but with the drawings, you can complete the upgrade.
Is doubling up of rivets on Extrusion 6-ZU-1-1 still needed, at 20mm spacing on top and bottom skins as per the blogs .Couldn't see it on the drawings Cheers Alan
Drawing 6-ZU-3 still shows this.
Found the answer Cheers Alan
Yes, still required. Note is on drawing 6-ZU-3, top right area.
Comment on solid rivets.
Some are concerned that if you are not familiarized with solid riveting thick type structures, you may not be properly setting the rivets.
This is an important comment and I strongly recommend that anyone who is not 100% confident must get assistance from an A&P mechanic etc.
Using a strong type rivet gun and larger / heavier bucking bar is better. Practicing with scrap material is always an excellent way to see if you can do this.
So please know your limits before starting the riveting.
On the final set of plans dated 09 DEC on page 1 in the 6-X-0 Technical Data area, it now shows Ultmate load of -3G. I thought the upgrades strengthened the wing??, So why now with a stronger wing is the Normal Neg Load only 2 G not the -4 as before.
We are using the +6/-3 because of the SLSA calculations that Chris Heintz did for the SLSA category and FAA. Doing more than -3g loads are just not realistic so Chris Heintz did not do any calculations past that. Also, we are reinforcing the upper spar caps on the wing for +g loads in compression. The bottom spar caps are not reinforced. So to be on the safe side, +6/-3g is VERY conservative.

Also, some of the accident aircraft (especially in Europe and South America) were known to do advanced aerobatics, so we hope that by limiting the g loads, pilots will respect the limitations.
Some of the accident aircraft especially in South America? I did not hear about these;
Where are the details? Thanks

One of the items of concern previously mentioned by the FAA in the SAIB was "stick force characteristics", or pitch sensitivity in certain areas of the flight envelope. Will there be anything forthcoming in the upgrade kit to address that?

Doug Sire


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