Just wanted to get some feedback on an idea. I have contacted three vinyl companies about installing vinyl instead of paint on my 701. All have said that there is no reason that they could not do the complete plane in vinyl. Rivets and irregularities don't seem to be a problem. It has a 10 to 13 year life on an auto (probably much longer on a hangered plane) and is easily removed for a change in design. The cost is 1200 to 1800 bucks depending on the creativity required for the design. Designs have no limitations. They are done by graphic artists on computer. The vinyl itself is not effected by much after it is installed and it weighs a fraction of paint.
Does anyone have knowledge of a downside to vinyl?
Thanks, Vann

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Here is an article that might provide a little more data on aircraft vinyl wraps

This should pretty much remove any concerns about it staying on.

Fantastic!! Although it is worth noting that this article is about vehicle wrap and not regular SAV. The wrap I have seen is full of teeny holes to allow the air through to ensure a bubble free finish. Strangely, it is very popular in West Africa for Telecoms advertising on vehicles... Thanks for this, we may try it on a project later this year, subject to sponsorship - because that stuff is expensive!

Great article
My CH750 is painted white with red leading slats. The rest is vinyl. Most of the aircraft coming out of Can-Zac's shop have been vinyl striped of graphics.

Re: "Reply by Mike Armstead on February 18, 2010 at 7:34pm

"This should pretty much remove any concerns about it staying on.

There were two local dealers according to this site; I contacted both and both said, in effect, "no airplanes." One cited "legal problems."
Has anyone wrapped the ENTIRE airplane in lieu of paint?

legal problems is basically a blanket statement to cover their arses, if you end up get into legal problems 'painted  will vinyl' will be the last thing anyone worries about

I'm VERY interested in this! I've been contemplating the same thing. I've got multiple contacts to do this job. I'm wondering the same about if it is better or not. Chad

Vinyl is the best for basically any application.

It is, by far the most durable surface coating you can use and rarely will it be worse than paint which is the 'old way' to put a layer on your aircraft,Vinyl is effectively the new way to put the layer on your aircraft. Remembering that paint is basically a surface protector. Being pretty is just the side benefit.

When you've decided to really go to town on your bird, please keep me in mind, I am a sign writer by trade and a graphic designer by education. I can do you some liveries for your bird which will knock you socks off. Samples of my work are available. I know how to design it for the best application, so you can avoid any bubbling or other problems. The zenith aircraft are a sign writers wet dream... we sign guys love flat panels

All the files I create are usable by any decent sign maker, so you don't need anything but some good hand skills and some time to make your work as good as you want it.

You may as well take advantage of the vinyl to make some cool looking designs.

Just ask and I'll be happy to help you create the sort of image you want to fly with.

Whilst you may not be familiar with the actual artwork I'm sure you can see what I'm aiming at.

Please be aware that I can't legally rip off anything but I can show you how to create something that gives you the sort of visual impression you're after. Copyright is a bitch but it serves a purpose.

cheers fellas,

Craeg (your flying sign writer)


Hey guys... I got a price to wrap my entire plane. $4500.00 to do it in white and a secondary color. Contemplating this.....


Has anybody actually done one yet?  My quote for a full wrap on my CH601XL was $6,800...that includes 100% coverage with 5 colors or more.


The vinyl that covers my whole panel has been on there about 7 years without a hitch. My son worked for  vinyl company and they did compete wraps on 30 foot long aluminum trailers. They also had some trailers come back in after 10 years in the hot Louisiana sun to have updated graphics. He reports good integrity and only being more difficult to remove than the newly laid on stuff. Apparently it sticks tighter with age. 

My Nieces husband does the graphics design for NASCAR and that is vinyl holding up to 190 Mph speeds and abrasive grit.

I plan to try it on my bare metal 801, but plan to paint some detail parts in color, and prime the rest before wrapping, just in case of potential corrosion.

I had posted under the 601/650 forum....I did a 100% wrap on bare aluminum three years ago. Here are the results.
The only problems are where fuel and oil can seep under the edges of the vinyl causing it to disband. Remember to put a bead of fuel/oil proof sealer along those edges (like PRC). Other than that, no problems to report. I hanger mine and it still looks new.
Total price $6,800
The design really hides all the imperfections, and seals all the rivet heads that used to leak water.


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