I bought the aircraft a yr ago and after lots of upgrades I am now flying.
I have 1500 hrs in 20 types so thought not a Bob Hoover I do have some comparison.
I am having trouble with the takeoffs.
My airspeed is way off, is showing a 30 mph stall which I am very skeptical about.
That is being corrected.
So I am rotating at 50 which is probably 70 and even very gentle pull gives me a rapid nose up and a hard slew to the right.
I know the, the prop turns backward so I am unlearning the right rudder input.
I will try to takeoff at a slower speed but that is hard, raising the nose at 30 mph goes against st all my instincts.
The other thing I notice about this short wing little beauty is the power off descent rate.
About like a two seat pits.
I teach power off landings (engine failure landings) and it is nowhere near anything else I use.
Like a helicopter you don't look around for a landing spot,,,just look straight down. That's where you are going to land.
Unnerving, test flying a new airplane and engine and not being used to how far it glides.
I'm building a new set of big wings but till then it's down she goes!
Any tips from HDS pilots would be appreciated

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Vortex generators vortex generators vortex generators. Best money you will spend. Google 601 HDs Vortex generators and the stolspeed site should come up. I never flew mine without them so I cannot compare but you can read plenty of comparisons. But I can tell you I never experienced any kind of bad behavior. The Descent rate engine out is around 6 to 700 foot a minute. Static location will have a lot to do with your airspeed. Mine was up front on the pilot side which read crazy. I installed two in the rear fuselage.
I have vortex generators. Static is out on the pitot tube.
At 60 indicated which may be 80 I am getting about 800 fpm descent.
Do you think rotating at 80 mph is causing the sharp yaw to the right on takeoff?
What speed do you rotate at and what is you approach speed.
I will install a GPS and compare.
I start rotating at 60 mph. I have to use a good bit of right rudder on the ground to counter the torque. When it does break ground I do get that quick right that you speak of if I don't ease the rudder pressure quick enough. You'll get better at it... sounds like your problems are the airspeed indicator. When I first started flying I also thought the rate of descent was too high. But over time as I learned the plane it got better. What prop/engine do you have?
I don't stick to a approach speed..but 75- 80 MPH is average I guess...I just fly it in lol..
I have the 110 Viking. A lot of power for a light plane. Uma is sending me new airspeed. I am going to put in a GPS to see how far out I am.
I hate that I didn't do more testing before I sent my prop in. I have a subaru e81 with 68" warp drive prop. I had the tips tapered, saw negligible loss in climb. Best we remember is I gained maybe 8 MPH in cruise. And I also think that's when the ROD saw a huge improvement. All I can figure is there was less paddle up front to help drag the plane down...
Hi ray I have a hds with the 3300 when I first got her had the same issue on take off they are very pitchy when mine was sitting on the ground static we found that she had a flat angle of incidence so when you gave full throttle this became negative so we added 50mm to the nose leg and now you just give a little bit of up trim and she flys off by her self. As for approach I fly her all the way in a bit like a Cherokee six or c210.

That is good advice, how did you extend the nose gear. I have the Viking spring which helps but still very "pitchy" on takeoff. 

I am working hard on my new wings so hopefully in a couple weeks we can take these little buggers off and use them as hanger Trash! 



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