Hi all, I have a question about the rotation of my mags. I have Slick 4301 mags, both are left turning. What does this mean exactly?  If I were to be sitting in the seat and looking at the back of the mags, do I attach the plug wires counterclockwise? Is that what the L means? 

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Left, rotation from the drive end. Plug wires cap goes on one way. Plug end of wire should have plug location stamped on the nut.

Hi Jay, my plug wires do not have cylinder numbers on them.

Hi Steven, I was reluctant to answer since I am no expert but here goes as I understand it from my engine (not running yet) and the engine overhaul manual. I have an O200-A. On the Slick mags they are labeled “LH” and “RH” for left and right mags when sitting in the seat. From studying the manual the rotor in both mags rotate clockwise, again looking from the seat. Firing order 1-3-2-4. The left mag supplies a spark to the lower plugs and the right mag supplies a spark to the upper plugs. Someone please correct if me if I am wrong.

LH and RH denote which direction the mag rotates,  it has nothing to do with which side of the engine it is on. Most Lycomings are LH mags. 


In case someone has the same question as I had and finds this post, my slick mags are LH rotation, I initially ran the plug wires clockwise as seen from the pilot seat, this was incorrect and quickly detected by the bad miss. 

I ran the wires counterclockwise and the engine ran splendid. LH means left hand rotation. 

Thanks all for the replies


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