
I was installing the side channel doublers in the Cruzer CH 750 I am helping to build. The one angle in the kit is damaged. This is not the first owner. I cannot find the 3/4 x 3/4 .093 angle anywhere but at Zenith and I need it now! Has anyone requested information from Zenith about using  the same angle but .125 that I can get from Aircraft Spruce? There was a mention in 43.13 that normally there is no problem going up 1 size in materials, but I have not received any response from Zenith yet. I did read that the .093 angle size is a proprietary size made only for Zenith which makes getting it an issue. If one is damaged and you change it with a larger size, do you need to change the other side? The angle at Aircraft Spruce has a slight radius in the inside corner and on the outside radius. The angle from Zenith seems to be a tight square corner extruded angle? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can't be-leave in all the kits sold, this is the only kit that the angle has become an issue. Please help if you can. Thanks

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the .093 is proprietary to Zenith and has not been found anywhere but from them. The common replacement is .125 and has been the approved substitute by Zenith. I would only change the damaged piece if the other side is already done, If I still had to do both sides I would probably change both. You can probably find the material from a local metal supplier if you have one locally as 6061 T6 is a standard stock material for any real metal supplier and it will be marked as such. Dan.


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