I am taking over a 750 project that has a Viking 130 installed by Viking. Will the Oil & Gearbox temp sensors and Oil & Fuel Pressure sensors talk to the Dynon Skyview EMS or do I have to replace all with the Dynon sensors?

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I replaced the d-sub 37 pin connector cable with the Dynon made cable hoping that one of the pins in the original connector (hand made) was loose, but the new cable didn't solve it.  I've tested continuity from the sensor plug through the three appropriate pins, and don't find any issue.

I've talked to David at Dynon and pointed out that the Kavlico sensor instructions suggest a remote mount to avoid vibration.  David didn't think that was necessary, that having the sensor threaded into the engine should be fine.  I am a little apprehensive with setting up a remote mount in that this could be vulnerable to a leak and loss of oil.

I've also did a dynamic balance of my prop to help reduce vibration.

I've bench tested the Kavlico sending unit with a 5v power supply and I get a voltage variation when I vary the pressure.  

Thanks for the suggestions.


I had a very similar issue with wild oil pressure readings with an EI engine monitor running on an O-360 engine.  It turned out to be EM interference due to wiring from the EI unit being run along side the wires coming from the voltage regulator.  Check where your Dynon wires are running, and maybe try relocating them…

- Pat

Hi Pat,
Okay thanks. I will add that to my list of potential remedies.
I just added another ground from the sending unit to the firewall. I flew this morning and the oil pressure reading was fine, though it can be fine for several weeks, then go haywire on me, so I'm not thinking the extra ground solved my problem yet.
I also ordered a remote mounting kit so I can locate the sending unit on the firewall. Dynon tech support has said vibration shouldn't be an issue, though I see some sending units (including Klavico, the Dynon brand) recommend it.



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