Vann Covington


Holly Springs, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Agricultural Research/Retired
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Larry Edson

    Just a quick question----Have you considered how much the vinyl will weigh? It would seem to me that the vinyl will weigh quite a bit more than paint will.
  • Ernest Jessee

    I would fly with you. Problem is that I am a student pilot. I have the time and have completed all the requirements for a check-ride. I have told my instructor that I want to take my check in late June. After that, I am happy to fly with you.

    I am happy to see another 701 in the area as well. My plane is currently at Johnston County (KJNX). Just this week, I completed my solo cross country and my instructor signed me off to move the plane to Franklin County (KLHZ). If the weather cooperates, I will move it this weekend.

    I first soloed in a sky arrow then I bought my 701. My instructor flew it back from PA for me. It scared him. He told me he did not feel confident in teaching me to fly it. By a stroke of luck, the builder was in NC a week later and flew 4 hours with me (he as PIC). He taught me to land it -- which is really the only thing different.

    My instructor now flies with me regularly and laughs every time I land.

    I disagree with anyone who says they are not different than other planes. 701's are very different. They come down fast and require a quick precisely timed flare. With no throttle, which is the way I always land, I descend at 1000 fpm at 60 mph. I flare and... it's over. I pull off at the first exit.

    I strongly encourage you to fly a 701 if you haven't before you maiden yours. I am happy to fly with you... as soon as I get my ticket.

    Thanks for responding.

    btw... you have heard of other 701's with uneven tank drain? From what information do you make the statement that I should not be concerned?