Bill W. Proctor


Valley Springs, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired TWA Captain: all components complete; time for painting, engine and electronics....MARCH 15, 2009

Comment Wall:

  • Rick Lach

    Hi Bill,

    I live in Calif. around Bakersfield and I'm looking for 701 flying partners. I am interested in flying some of the back country out west here next summer. Would you be interested?

  • Dan Wilde

    Bill: I would love to fly in for a visit. Will you be around on Saturday? I probably will need some coordinates. Small grass strips are really hard to see.

    Dan Wilde
  • Dan Wilde

    Bill: I had a great time today. The visit with you was very enjoyable and of course the landing on your strip exciting. Love the photos. Talk to you soon.

    Dan Wilde
  • Dan Wilde

    Bill: I hope you don't mind but I used your picture of me in front of my plane for my web page on this site.

    Dan Wilde
  • Lee DeLano

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll make sure and contact you before proceeding.
  • German Serrano

    Thanks Bill. Will never stop dreaming about flying. At the momment I had to hold back for a while on my arplane project, two sons at the university is quite an effort.
    German Serrano
  • Lee DeLano

    Got your email about next week. Rick and I have been talking about trip details, but nothing firm yet - Rick should be arriving at Oakdale Friday afternoon, evidently Dan can't make this schedule. I have room in my plane to take you to Cloverdale. I am planning to go to Carson City on Sat/Sun (Mother's Day) and will not be coming directly back to Oakdale.
  • Lee DeLano

    Yes, it was my plane. Trying to land in too much crosswind. No injuries except my ego. Should known better with this light plane.

    Talked with Rick Lach a day or two ago - he said you might have a rudder for sale - mine took the brunt of the turn over and is bent badly.

    Need to fix several other items, like a firewall and bottom pan.
    Removing the engine and motor mounts now.
  • Lee DeLano

    Sounds like a deal to me, but I'm in no hurry. Let me know when it's convenient for you and I'll drive up to your place and pick it up.
    Have removed the engine and firewall to repair the bottom pan and pieces. Will move to the rudder and wings afterwards.
    Carol and I will be moving in the next couple of weeks so my progress will be hampered somewhat.
    Thanks, Lee
  • Lee DeLano

    Thanks for the parts.
    Can't spend much time with the plane right now - household move currently. Hopefully, next month will provide some spare time.
  • Rick Lach

    Hi Bill,

    I have made a mistake on the Invoice for the Strut Fairing Kits. Please forward me your e-mail address so I can communicate directly with you.


  • Dan Wilde

    Bill: I will not be doing much flying until the weather cools off. I flew last Saturday and with the temperature inversion, it kept getting hotter the higher I flew and my engine water temps were getting close to red line. If I would have kept climbing I know it would have been cooler but where is the fun hanging out at 6,000 feet?

    The engine you are looking at is interesting but it seems to be priced about the same as Rotax or Jabiru. I do like the idea of the FADAC and fuel injection. One of the issues with new engines on the market is the lack of local dealers and maintenance facilities.

  • Dan Wilde

    Bill: As I rember I wrapped the jury struts in carboard and squeezed the ends as shown in 7-V-10 until they fit in the brackets. I then had to grind/shape the jury strut caps to fit inside the strut.

    Sorry I did not get back to you sooner but I had to make an emergency visit to Elko, NV.

    Dan Wilde
  • Mark Sherman


    I flew over B.I.A. this morning, I didn't get to low. so as to not upset your neighbors. I'm guessing the neighbor to the west with the horse corral is the one to look out for?

    I think I will need a little more parctice before I venture in to your back yard.
    Talk to you soon.

    Mark S.
  • Lee DeLano

    Things have calmed down here - got moved OK, made the house/property livable and can now concentrate on my repairs. Hopefully, you still have the rudder available. I will be calling you soon and arrange for a pick-up.
    Your photos indicate you are nearly done and should be flying soon, good luck.
  • Bill W. Proctor

    Lee, I have all the rudder parts set aside for you when you want them. Price will be 1/2 of the current price of a rudder package from zenith. I will check and see what the current price structure is. Bill
  • Lee DeLano

    My schedule is relatively open for the next week or so - let me know when it would be convenient for pick-up. I'll need some directions to your house.
    Thanks, Lee