Sergio Fink



Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired mechanical engineer, experience in projects for biotechnology equipment in Switzerland, where I lived almost 40 years

Comment Wall:

  • Wayne Clagg

    I am using the Valley Engineering redrive with a 2275cc Vw. No Charger. I am not pleased with my weight either, I had to raise my gross weight by 100 lbs (about 50 kg???). My 701 came out really heavy because of all of the junk I put in it. See the pictures. For the most part I was not interested in cross country travel with two aboard, my wife does not enjoy it that much. The Vw made the difference between me flying or wishing I could fly. The Rotax is over three times the cost of what I have in the VW. Flight testing is going well now but I had a rocky start, see the next Zenair News. I would be REALLY interested in your friends cylinder head temps and where he senses it and any info for that matter. Good talking to you.
  • Wayne Clagg

    Sergio, thanks for the reply. I have at times felt like abandoning the vw and 701 but I stuck with it. The plane is doing much better and I have taken it on some short cross couvtry flights of about 1 hour. 51.4 hours.
  • Wayne Clagg

    Sergio, it would be an honor to be your friend.
  • Ed & Sue Werner

    Sergio, Sorry for the delay but was in CA with my Grandkids. I am using a 1915cc Valley setup. It is an early one. When it is running It has great power but I have had a string of problems that has hurt my confidence. The latest has been carb ice. I am installing the AeroCarb in hopes of eliminating the iceing. The other Items have been heat related. I have a pressure cowling instead of the wide open setup on Valley's package. I have been working on the oil and head temps. They seem to run high and I have changed the oil cooler and I now run only 100LL.
  • Joao Alberto Cezarotto

    Sergio, are u brazilian? Can u send me your e-mail? Can I write in portugues? I live near to Florianopolis, Joinville, u know? Tks Cezarotto
  • Joao Alberto Cezarotto

    Sergio estava eu aqui a digitar um texto sumiu não sei se foi enviado para vc.
    sabado dia 14.11 devo estar em Fpolis visitando um sobrinho que mora no ACRE e esta visitando a mãe. Gostaria de saber se seu avião esta no aeroclube de São José (aquele na 101 sentido Sul) pois se der um tempo passaria no Campo para dar ver um 701 ao vivo e a cores.
    Um abraço
  • Joao Alberto Cezarotto

    Pouca experiencia no trato com PCs o primeiro texto não foi enviado era apenas uns comentarios sobre como perdi as 2 laterais e o assoalho do cone de cauda por impericia no uso do AUTO CAD, nada que não se resolva com a compra de 3 novas chapas de aluminio 6061, ja encomendadas em São Paulo.
  • Wayne Clagg

    Good Morning Sergio, the Vw is doing pretty well. I have 71.1 hours on it now and flew it on a 3.1 hour cross country last Saturday. I think it is an acceptable power plant and with the benefit of hindsite I would do things a little differently to keep the weight down. I defnately would not put all the junk INSIDE the plane. Had I used my head and keep the airframe as light as possible the extra weight of the Vw wouldn't have made much difference. I would like to remove all of the steam gauges and install a simple glass panel but money is a problem. I have flown a few times where the ifr instruments were nice to have. I have also planned on building another engine as a test bed for the aluminum nikasil cylinders available and for testing other weight saving and performance parts. I have several of the pieces on hand so I'll have it ready to go in late winter. I hope.
    Good to hear from you again. Keep in touch.
  • Ricardo Rodriguez

    Hello Sergio,

    I haven't started on my project yet, because I am moving from Venezuela to Spain around September or October. So, when I settle in Spain, I´ll start building right away.

    Your 701 looks pretty good, and I think you have done a great job compared on how it was when you purchased it. The cowling looks very professional. And the new paint job makes it look like new. Anyway, hope everything is going great with the updates/upgrades.

    Take Care!

  • Ricardo Rodriguez

    I will be moving to around Madrid. My father is from Vigo, Galicia, so that is an option too. That fly-in-spain looks great. I searched their web page and they seem to be very active and doing well. I definitely will pay them a visit some day. They are still in Jerez. Here is the web page:

    By the way, would you rather write in Spanish or English?

  • Ricardo Rodriguez

    Hola Sergio,
    Está bien, si quieres nos comunicamos en español. Ando ansioso de empezar con mi avión, pero paciencia y ya cuando esté en España todo irá bien. Yo he estado pensando en usar el VW, pero también considero el BMW, sobre todo en Europa. Bueno, seguimos en contacto. Saludos!
  • Pedro Rivera

    Hola Sergio
    I completely agree regarding the engine cost issue, however to me is quite simple, I am building the original "ultralight" (208kg empty) and because I live in a small island (160KM long by 56KM wide) the fuel consumption is not that critical so the original aircraft as designed works well. Your 238Kg empty is your new weight or the old?.
