Brian Unruh


Calverton, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Work for the FAA NYARTCC as a communications specialist.
Started project in 2003 and been taking my time building part time since.
First flight was Saturday October 9 2010. 295 Hours as of December 2019
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Robert McNaught

    Hi Brian

       I have visited your web site numerious times, and found it very helpfull. You have done a fantastic job of your 701!

                                     Robert McNaught

                                         Halifax N.S.

  • Francisco URSÚA-COCKE

    Hello Brian!

    I intend to post pics later today.



  • Joseph F. Truncale

    Ditto on the appreciation for all your detailed photos.

    Always wondered if you got your plane in the air - obviously you have!

    Congratulations on your success.


  • Roger Wibbels



    Your web site has been a great help to me in my build.  I note that you put your fuel senders on top of the tanks which I also plan on doing.  can you tell me where you found the cork spacers for the top of the tank, and did you make access ports on top for the senders?




    Atwater, Ca.

  • Tim Smart


    Nice job, wishing you safe and fun flying. I just found your site and browsed, colorblind I guess, could not find white lettering so did not sign in. I am building a 650 but principles are the same. Thanks for sharing your build site!
  • Johann G. Johannsson

    Hello Brian. Thanks for sharing the video. Great to see the landing from this angle.

    I also like your web site, very thorough details and pictures. Almost the same amount of work gone in your web site as your building project. It is very commendable when someone goes into this detail to show others how to build their planes. Very helpful.

    I just uploaded a video of my plane and a short landing and take off in a 25 kts wind.

    Take a look.

    Best wishes from Iceland.

    Johann G.

  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Bryan,

    Happy to count you as a friend!

    How is your plane doing ? Any surprises when you started piloting your CH701 ?

    Cheers !


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for the comment. Hope my Ch701 flies soooon. I'll ahve videos and Champagne afterwards for sure.

    Keep safe.



    Hi Brian,

                 Glad to accept the 'friend' request.

    The NYPD tee shirt was from my last vist to the Big Apple, March 2010. I have some cousins who live over in Rutherford NJ. so we spent some time with those guys and a good wander round NY.   Loved it !    I was hoping to have nipped up to Tetterton to see if I could sneak any local flights but time didn't allow. Maybe next time.

    all the best,
