Paul Hammond


Warragul Victoria


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Dairy Farmer

Comment Wall:

  • Chris Sinfield

    Love the panel, how many hours now?
  • Zenith Australia

    How's the Flying going?

    We seeing you at NATFLY?

  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    Hi Paul

    Yes the first flight is a strange flight, scary but also something you cant put in to words

    what airfield do you fly out of I might drop by one weekend ?

  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    The Rotax has preformed great no heating or cooling problems once I fitted the cowls correctly
    I have heard that the Jab has a bit to much power but the the Rod Protroni prop seems to fix the prolbems
    I have heard that a few people are working i=on the Jab cooling problems too

    Once the weather sorts it self out I will contract you and i will fly over one saturday I also have to call in on peter at Leongatta too

    Cheers Allan
  • Eddie Seve

    Hi Paul,

    Sounds like you are getting similar figures to me previously.

    Yes the Patroine prop will make the world of difference as far as you RPM's go, mine will now rev to 3200rpm full throttle strait and level. I have it set at 16 degrees of pitch at the moment which give me 110knots at 2650rpm. I typically climb out at 2800 rpm at 80 knots, one up, gives me somewhere between 1000 - 1200 fpm in climb.

    Another big advantage of the prop is that it is much smoother in flight compared to the jabiru prop and also less noisy..

    My engine also ran rough at full throttle, what jets do you have fitted?

    I have the 245 main jet and changed up to the 290 needle jet, also there is a different needle that you probably need to install, talk to Jabiru for a new needle and jets.

    Try this quick test, go to full throttle and pull on your carbie heat, you'll probably find that the engine smooths out, which means you are running too lean.

  • Eddie Seve

    Hi Paul,

    You'll probably find that your CHT figures are at the upper limit of what is allowable, and if you talk to Jabiru (not that they are very helpfull at the best of times) you'll find that they will tell you to reduce your temps.

  • Eddie Seve

    Hi Paul,

    A typing msitake, my main jet is 255 not 245.

  • Zenith Australia

    Hey Paul...

    Michael is there Fri, Sat, Sun - At Natfly
  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    Hi Paul

    I dont feel anything strange with the rudder but I have put silicon spray on the nylon bearings and on the cross bar that the rudder uses to attach to the nose wheel

  • Mark Ertz

    Paul, I am looking at you cowling and see two N vents on your pilot side. Did you move the cabin heat vent or is that a later model than mine? Mine has one vent on each side.
  • Mark Ertz

    Paul, I think this is a common problem. However, I cannot get most pilots to talk about it. The only fix that I have not tried is the metal fin in the intake hose to stop ram & turbulient air of the sensors in the intake. Hope to get more feed back.
  • Mark Ertz

    Did it. Fin in. Read "Above all the best mod for Bing".
  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    I feel your frustrations and thankyou for your advice. One of the reasons my progress may seem a little slow is because I'm trying to make sure that EVERYTHING between the firewall and the panel is 100% finished before the bonnet goes on. Hell it's hard enough routing things through the centre console without having to be a contorsionist to work in the foot well.

    How are your flying adventures going? Have you considered the LAA's mass balance mod?

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    Thanks for your comments. I think by the time I'm finished mine, I will hate sewing machines. Show me some photos of what you have as hardly anyone does with their upholstery.

  • Phill Barnes

    Thanks Paul
    I am enjoying my upholstery work but it does seem to be ever ending. Up close you can see small errors that an upholsterer would'nt have made but I am happy and will be proud to sit in it knowing that I gave it a go.

  • Jake Reyna

    Paul, how long did it take to do your wings? Any issues?

  • Jake Reyna

    Paul, thanks for the update on the wings. Maybe I can get back on schedule. Hopefully you won't spend as much time on the Center Spar as I did, that was my goal when I started posting my progress, that others would have an easier path.

    Our dogs Bonnie & Clyde helped with the Upgrade. We walk every morning and that time was spent thinking about the Upgrade. All my "big ideas" came during those walks. It's all about templates.
  • Jake Reyna

    Paul, I'm glad you are getting some benefit from my blogs.

    I've been putting the fuselage back together. The little stuff takes time. The Rear Attach Plates went in easy, but getting the old ones out took some time and the 2 bolts are in a difficult place when it comes time to reinstall.

    I mentioned to Phill to check the Center Spar Rear Attachment Uprights, they need to be .063, mine were.040. This information is in the Photo Guide, but not on the Drawings. The new set arrived yesterday. Once I get those fitted, it will be time to rivet the Center Spar.

    Since you guys are getting something out of the blogs, I will do one more dealing with the small stuff, rear attach plates, seat angles, etc.

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    Ha Ha. It sux I know but we are at the mercy of Sebastien Heintz. Not a position I am comfortable with either. I spoke to Al a couple of days ago and he is not to happy with the situation either.
    I guess though we all have stuff to carry on with but just hate to admit it.

    Phill, the rebuilder builder
  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    No problem mate, happy to help. What are you after, straight stripes or a personalised design?

  • Jake Reyna

    Paul, you asked "why are there solids on one side and pops on the other of 6-zu-2-1". I had to go double check and make sure I followed the drawings. That's what's on the drawings, A5 across the top, second line is Solid followed by A5's on the seat panel.

    I'm struggling removing the solid rivets on the wing spar ....
  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    You lucky bugger. Double check and tripple check everything my friend.
    I have to go to Maroochydore on Wednesday so I thought I would pickup the other stripes then and send them both together. Hope that is ok.

  • Chris Sinfield

    So let us know.. how did it fly???
  • Zenith.Aero

    Congratulations on getting it done!
  • Phill Barnes

    Congratulations Paul.
    It should be a nice cross country flight from you Vic farm to YGYM. Hopefully one day mate.

  • Jake Reyna

    Paul, great to hear you are flying again with a hairy model as your co-pilot :-)
  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    Hi Paul

    Great to hear you are flying ok
    I should be flying next weekend it all goes well

    Zenair Australia
  • Jake Reyna

    Paul, I have put a few extra dings while doing the Upgrade, mostly due to dropping tools. I believe they will be offset by the pleasure of flying :-)

  • David Gallagher

    Paul, the K&N filter number for the Jabiru airbox I got from Jabiru USA is 33-2008-1
  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    The Red nose beast (RNB) has just come back form NATFLY 2010 in Temora
    30 kts on the tail coming home
  • Chris Sinfield

    wonder why the front 3 were down? is this your first 100 hours in the jab?
  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    Yeh you farmer types are OK I suppose.
    Good to hear that you nutted out your problem.

  • Jacob

    Hi Paul,

    There you go, assumed I was talken to someone over in yankee land turns out they're right down the road. Definately welcome to come and have a look although there is not much to see at the moment have finished my empennage and not that far into the rear fuselage floor at the moment so it's a long road ahead still. Current contruction is at home in the garage about 10 minutes from work pretty tight setup but is working well so far. Fairly keen myself at having a look at your bird too, havn't look at a zenith with a jabiru setup as yet be happy to go for a drive to Warregul one of these days too.
  • Mirko

    Hi Paul, would be great to catch up, at this point I'll be sending the aircraft to Bendigo to burn off the 25hrs required, then bringing the aircraft back to Liliydale, whereby I'll take over and never come back down. Where is your plane hangered. Cheers.
  • Mirko

    Here a side view of my 601XL-B. Bye.

  • Ralph Sanson

    Hi Paul, If you mean Cobra head on the carb air intake, I have run one and it was better than nothing and not as consistently good as a vane diffuser - which I currently use.

    Mine is a cylinder of rolled al sheet 3" long the dia. to fit over the carb. The vanes are riveted across inside and 2" long, I have six (four will do)

    This is the one item that helped even out EGT and hesitation problems with the engine when it had the first of the economy carb kits fitted. Of course we all know now that I was merely part of the R&D department trials and four versions later the carb kit is much more tolerant (and wasteful). The problem that it first presented helped me improve the air intake though.

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    Congrats on the Grand Daughter. Shame about your weather. Looks like you're not flying either, ah well.

  • Phill Barnes

    Well, f##ing hot up here. I'll f##ing swap ya anyday. Will try to find the answer to your f##ing Bigpond question. F##ing call me!

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Paul
    Been there and did that a year ago. Here is a link to the album.

    It looks better in the flesh with all of the lights turned on. Check out my website.

    How is everything going for you. Heaps of flying I trust now that we have your wet weather. Hi also to Mary

  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    All is going well we have 1/2 a wing to do and that is the end of the alum building. Starting to fit the Rotax 912s the dash and painting
    The weather has been bad here as well and the locus are very bad. I hope over the new year things get better.
  • Allan / Zenair Australia

    Hi Paul

    Great to see you back up in the air after all the bad weather lately




  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Captain H

    Yeh this bloody rain sux. Can't do f all on antything. Still it could be worse, at least I don't live in Rockhampton.



  • Phill Barnes

    Maybe I need one of those Zodiac Boats instead !!



  • Phill Barnes

    Hey Capt'n

    I can help with your request. Flew model aircraft for 20 years and 1.2 mtr span rotor helli for a couple of years. Also have dabbled with heaps of the small palm size helli's. For the little kids, the cheaper the better to start with. Found some at big W for $15 ea one time. I will check into some for you that will be good value in both dollars and fun.



  • Phill Barnes

    Thanks Paul

    This was a photo of me flying my vintage Zodiac in 8 octas of cloud. Of coarse the camerman was strapped to the wingtip and happy to be there on such a hot humid day. Do you believe it?

    I'm so VANE.



  • Phill Barnes

    Thanks Capt'n.
    Have fun and we will see you soon.
    172 Fitzpatrick Rd
    Gympie QLD 4570

  • Michael Herder

    Oil Temps on my Jab were greatly improved by installation of "10 bar" aero classics oil cooler rather than the standard 7 bar.
  • Tim Sutton

    Hi Paul, I was actually out at the dairy the other day doing some work.  As for the canopy, it is still a fair way off yet... I am still trying to re align everything from where the last guy left off...

  • Tim Sutton

    Hi Paul,  yes still have it, actually took it out of the box the other week and put it on recreationalflyers, had no bites as yet..