Danny Creech


Subic Bay


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 701, STOL CH 750
Project Status
Building From
Partial kit
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Sold my CH-701 after finishing it. Now working on my own STOL design. But I do have plains to build a CH-750 in a few years with my wife. Currently I hold an ATP w-Types in 2 Jets, A&P, CAA ATP in the country of The Philippines, Gold Seal & Master CFI, CFII, MEI, Former Airline Pilot, FAASTeam member, Have built 3 CH-701s and finished out a CH-801. EAA Member & Vice-Pres of our local EAA Chapter, Lots of time in Experimental Aircraft of all kinds.

Comment Wall:

  • David Orr

    Hi Danny, good looking aircraft. I'm also building my 701 with a "real Aircraft engine" C85-12.
    I was just wondering what the filght numbers were on your trip back south. Fuel burn, cruise speed etc.. The weight and balance numbers would be helpful as well.
  • Isaac Wee and Nita Maharani

    Hello Danny,


    Thanks for getting in touch and your offer.


    Our project has stalled a little bit pending some other more urgent matters. We hope to resume the project in September.....


    What do you do in the Phillipines? Are there any 701s/750s flying there?





    Danny, I have this comment on my page from you, but I'm not sure what is about.  What were we going to get started on?  Jeff

    At 10:01pm on May 30, 2011, Danny Creech said…

    Sure Jeff, I can gladly help you with that. When would you like to get started??


  • terry w. thayer

    Hey Danny, Just finished my 701 and have flown it three times. I have some questions about flight training and the services you may provide. Can you contact me:ttakfaausnne@gmail.com or 907-696-4237...Thanks, Terry

    Danny, of all your services, transition training would be the most interesting to me.  Contact me with some details when you have time.   Jeff
  • Ade Moh. Yusuf

    Hi Danny, I am glad yo hear that you can help me on buliding and test flight the C750, now I am still build it following all the instructions, for sure I need help from someone "professional" to test flight the aircraft later when it finish built. If you visit Jakarta, just let me know, maybe we can meet and talk. How much the cost to invite you to come and do the test flight ? Sorry to ask this question. Thanks
  • Geoff Heap

    Hi Danny. Thanks for the dual sticks compliments. Getting in and out is a breeze for me at 155 lbs.,,,Geoff