Tommy Walker


Anniston, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired from K12 Ed and then worked for 10 years for STI, a K12 software provider located in Mobile, AL. Retired again and have enjoyed my time building and flying the Zenith 701. Building my second 701 just to have something to do.

Comment Wall:

  • Charles Chappell

    Thanks Tommy, not much of a picture, but at my age none of them look very good. This one is me working on my friends RV8 panel. His wife caught me.
  • Cory Emberson

    Thanks, Tommy! Marc and the crew do a great job each month.

    I enjoyed the 750 article, and was pleasantly surprised when it and the 650 were unveiled at OSH this summer ... it was the opposite of the Big Bang School of Marketing.
  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Thanks Tommy. I'm back from a New Year camping trip a day earlier than planned so tomorrow, I'll be creeping closer to finishing up FWF wiring.Happy New Year,

  • Richard Brantley

    HI TOMMY--Yes I will be here this weekend and will try to get Calvin here if you are coming this way!! He is now retired but still working. We would like to see you and pick your 701 brain. See soon--

    RICHARD 8654571754
  • Paul Mulwitz

    -Hi Tommy,

    Yes, I am getting close. Currently wiring instrument panel. Still need to hang wings. I just got a rental hangar at my local airport and will be moving the plane to the airport soon.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Hi Tommy,

    The final assembly process has moved into fun territory now that I have fixed up a couple of wiring screw-ups that surfaced as a I reconnected and tested things. Clear of that road block, I torqued down the spar bolts, reconnected the aileron pushrods and finished the aileron trim connections out at the servo hatch. Damn it's nice to see stuff work the way it's supposed to. It's looking at least possible to fly this critter by late April. I gotta get off my duff and start pushing paper with the local FSDO in Baton Rouge so that while they kill time I will still be working on the plane rather than sitting in the hangar being aggravated.

    Oh well, tomorrow I'm off to do my patriotic duty by stimulating the domestic auto industry. Despite being a right of center, anit-bail-out guy, I have always owned American cars and I won't quit now. I just hope that Buick stays in business! It's a gamble but I believe it to be "the right thing" so there's not much wiggle room except to put up the ante, huh?

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Hey Tommy,

    Have you checked my page lately? I've gotten all fired up and attempted to post a new photo now and then as I made progress. Over the weekend we got the canopy reinstalled, which allowed me to put in the Koger Sunshade (not very useful in your high-wing plane but I'll need it) and hang the whiskey compass from the bubble. I forged on and got the upholstery put in and then put the wheelpants back on. I think I've used about half a mile of safety wire in three days. I'm beginning to worry about the weight of the safety wire.

    Once we drain the preservative oil and put in the breakin oil, then the cowling can go on. I have to find locations for stuff like the CO monitor and a fire extinguisher and such but the punch list is shrinking steadily. If I can make decent progress with the FAA guys the projected late April test flight is possible. I found a guy with a flight school in Talullah LA who has an AMD 601XL who will get me through transition training in April prior to first flight. It's all coming together at last.

    How are things on your end of the world?

  • Bob Reid

    Hi Tommy, and thanks for the welcome. That pic is when the plane was first built. It was built by a good friend of mine about 10 years ago, who I purchased it from. It has a C90, longer wings,tail feathers, and a few more cool things. He plans built her. I built ski's for it last winter (thanks to help from Bob Jones and his plans) and will try to get some better pictures soon, Thanks Bob
  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Thanks Tommy.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Have you been affected more than just inconvenienced by the rain? Hell of a way to break a drought, huh?

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Glad it hasn't endangered you. I heard that one of the reservoirs in GA that has been at critically low levels for a couple of years has risen mor ethan eight feet so far. At least there's some silver lining to the cloud.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    I finished the forty hours today and I'm looking forward to fly-ins, airshows, and pancake breakfasts around the state. I also hope to visit some builders who are in neighboring states within reach. Rest assured, vigilance and continued tweaking are still on the agenda.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    If I build another airplane she will be enjoying the view from a divorce court somewhere in SW LA.

  • Debra and Patrick Nesbitt

    Nice taxi Tommy, reminds me of when I was learning to fly, My Instructor made me learn to taxi like that until I could taxi from one end to the other without the nose touching or lifting off.

  • Tommy Walker

    Hi Pat,
    Yes, it is fun to get out on the runway and play after all the work putting it together. Next, we will play in the sky.
  • Charles Chappell

    Hi Tommy, yes I am still at it, just slow. Life gets in the way sometimes plus we are enjoying the RV8 flying after 8 years of building.
  • Tommy Walker

    I found the gascolator that goes with the tanks.
    Please send me your address and I will put it in the mail to you.
    It is about a $60.00 item I think.
  • Paul Mulwitz

    Hi Tommy,

    Actually I finished (nearly) my XL last year just about the same time the NTSB letter came out. All that remained before getting it inspected was a few plumbing issues from the wings to the engine compartment and instrument panel and adding all the markings required for certification.

    After receiving the NTSB letter I decided (along with my wife) to ground the plane until the NTSB issues were resolved. This particularly included the aileron mass balance and stick gradient issues. I wasn't expecting a major redesign of the wing spars, but I appreciate the fact that that occurred.

    My plan before seeing the FAA report was to install the upgrade kit and start phase I flight testing of my plane. Now I am not so sure. The FAA report seems to indicate there is a real need for further testing after the upgrade is finished.

    Camas, WA
  • ulis temos

    Are you planning to attend the mid Atlantic fly in at North Carolina in May?
  • Tommy Walker

    hI Ulis,
    I doubt I will get up there. I will be at SERFI in October and that will probably be my only outing this year.
