Jack E Martin


Bushnell, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • dan glaze

    how are doing Jack, are you making any progress on your 750?  I have both wings done and starting on the control surfaces, life keeps getting in the way and slowing me down, keep in touch, im only about 25 minutes from Howard and just finished a rehab job there a short while back on a older house right there in town,  Dan

  • dan glaze

    jack how are you ? i just used these peal and stick cable tie blocks to hold my wireing to the front side of the spar leaving slak where the wiring went through the holes in the nose ribs, will try to send you a picture, Dan,   p.s. you can get these tie blocks at NAPA

  • dan glaze

    jack, e-mail me at    dglaze1958@aol.com , dan

  • dan glaze

    how is it going jack, I need to take a ride on the Goldwing and come and check out your project, im still pounding away when I can find a minute here or there I go out to shop and work a little, slow progress, life keeps getting in the way, take care, Dan-o

  • Ken Koster

    Not yet up and running.  Engine installation went well, however, the motormount that Zenith provides seems to me to have an excess "P" factor offset.  That makes the cowling difficult to fit.  Also the cowling they provided is requiring a lot of work on the bottom half of the cowling.  Have so far taken a good 2 1/2 inch  wedge cut from the rear to the carb air intake to bring it in to match the firewall.  Will see how that works out. 


    The 320 E2D dimensions are the same as the 235 except for about a 1/2 " greater width due to larger cylinders.  I have replaced the Lyc starter and generator with SkyTec and that reduced about 15 pounds.  Using a Catto wood three blade prop so am below the 300 pound firewall forward weight that Zenith uses for a limit.


    Will have more thoughts on the engine installation when all is said and done.  Have been away from the project for over two months due to bilateral knee replacements.


    Good luck with yours.

