Ron Waechter


Muncie, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot, Commercial / CFI, None
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Self employed

Comment Wall:

  • Jeff Bingham

    Hi Ron, I would love to see your 701. What do you think of the Jabiru and how is the installation and support from the company?
  • Thomas Jackson


    Good looking 701! How long have you been working on it? Have you any experience in flying 701s?


  • Thomas Jackson


    Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on it. Let me check up on the time/distance and when I would have a day to travel to Muncie. What would be the best time for you, during the week or a weekend? Do you have any preferences?

    I appreciate the offer and will KIT,


  • Thomas Jackson

    Hi Ron---

    Having flown heavier planes all of my life, that is the reason I feel I need some transition to the lighter 701.

    I checked on the mileage and time to Muncie, which from Harvard,IL it is 310 miles or at least 6 hours. This makes it a real road trip. I am still very interested so once the spring winds and rains pass and more stable weather is in the cards I will set something up with you. I took a look at 7i2 on Google map and it looks good for most weather with 9/27 runway.

    I'll KIT, and thanks again,





  • adrian dines

    hI Ron,

          Í'm building a 701 with 2200 jab, i would be interested to know which prop you are using i have been advised to use a wood prop fixed  64x 30. I'm thinking more like 64x32. also what is your cruise speed  2900 rpm and rate of climb.

    would appreciate your help!

    regard's      Adrian