Daniel Niendorff


Knoxville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Built a STOL CH-801 from a kit. I purchased the partially completed kit from another builder in 2013. It flew in 2017. Amphibious floats and Bush Wheels.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • keith mcewan

    Daniel, Thanks for the contact, I'm glad there are others on the same journey. I've never had two wings sitting in the lounge room before but they look good.  My intention is a relaxed build over a couple of years to allow time to learn the new skills needed and do as good a job as I can, being a first timer.Mine is complete except for the fwf and avionics, cabin trim etc, it has been assembled at one time. Look forward to keeping in touch. Keith Mcewan

  • keith mcewan

    Daniel, I see that you where after the firewall forward gear being sold in Utah, as I was !!. Would have been a great way to get a head start on the build but it's going to Canada I believe, I have joined the Sport Aircraft association of Australia which will help with licensing and testing etc on the 801. Also joining the Sport aircraft Builders club of Western Australia , small bitumen airstrip an hour away. No build progress as we have been 4WDriving up north for 2 weeks and still researching.  Keith McEwan

  • Daniel Niendorff

    Hi Keith,
    Yes I indeed, looks like we both missed our chance on the FWF recently posted. Best of luck to the Canadian who got it, but I would have loved to add it to my plane. I guess I'll have to keep looking. Glad to hear you connected to a good group. Our local eaa chapter here is similar. I just came back from the fly-in at the zenith factory in Mexico Missouri. No 801s showed up........ But was still a great trip. I'm making slow progress. Just about ready for riveting the fuselage sections together.
  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for your comment... I keep updating my status but sometimes Wonder if it matters much ... Anyway, lots of fun working on these planes. Good thing I got my CH701 flying while building the other ones... Keep at it, it will FLY !



  • Erturk Kocalar

    Hi Dan,

    Congrats on your 801.  The flight with the passengers is priceless.

    I'm sure I'll bug you for build questions :)

    Take care and enjoy your 801.


  • Jerry

    Hi Daniel  how much experience do u have with floats or know of someone who does 

    just sold a cub on floats want to put maybe 2000s on my 801 in process

    of putting 31s on main  and 29 on nose now  phone nu is 2509440038 if u want to call me

  • William D. Phillips

    Hi Dan, I’m not on the pad very often so I missed you in March. I live in middle Georgia and building a 801. I built a 601 XLB and a RV 8-a that I fly out of Kopn. You would be welcome to see my 801 build most anytime. Bill Phillips