Walt Cannon

Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Manufacturing / Factory Support Engr - The Boeing Company

Comment Wall:

  • David Orr

    Hey Walt,
    I'm building in my backyard Hanger/Shop. If you are ever out this way give me a call. I'm through with the fuselage and I'm working on the main wings right now. My C-85 arrived and I'm waiting on my engine mount from Zenith.
    David Orr
    Port Angeles, WA
  • Chumphol Sirinavin

    Hi! Walt,

    I can't shake hand with you now because of my sore thumb. It also keeps me off my airplane re-building. The two 701's are waiting for new wings, among other things.

  • Joe Spencer

    Thanks Walt, and Happy New Year




  • Joe Spencer


    i just saw you're with Boeing. i spent some time in those...like 15 years in the left seat of the 727. they were just the best...if something was broken and you gave it a few legs it would fix itself. great  birds. finished up in the a300. a POS in my opinion but it did have a good heater. nothing like "made in USA"

    thanks for those planes


  • Frank A Pisz

    Hi Walt, I'm building the 1450A floats from the basic kit.  Almost to the level of the pre-drilled kit.  Just have to add the front bottom skins, the front pick-ups, front nosewheels and the walkways, then I can start re-assembling too.  A real fun project!  Love the photo of your 701!  Frank

  • Frank A Pisz

    Hi Walt, No, by purchasing the pre-drilled kit, you are way ahead of me.  When you work from the basic kit, it is very near a plans-built project, as you have to cut all the extrusions, brackets, hinges, etc. from stock aluminum angles.  Also have to cut all sheet metal from stock.  then drill everything.  The kit is basically raw material except for the welded parts, some pre-bent parts, and off-the-shelf items.  I did enjoy making all the parts, though, it wasn't that difficult, just ook more time. I'm retired now, so have more time and less money....so that worked out good for me.  I'm building the plane in parallel witht he floats.  Have the rudder, slats, flaperons, stab, elevator  completed; wings completed to closing the top skin (waiting for some fuel system items).  Have the fuselage kit, but haven't started it yet. It was my retirement dream to build a plane, and now it's here!  Best of luck with your floats and let's keep in touch and compare notes.

    Thanks!  Frank

  • Steven Winn

    Hi Walt,

    Regarding the bubble door installation, I found that I had to trim the upper door sill channels 20 mm in order to get the doors to fit in the opening. If your upper sills are 80 mm per the drawings, I doubt the doors will fit. It might be practical to cut the bottom 20 mm off the installed channels and slip in a new, short channel...


  • Bob Jones

    Walt the three measurements are 29 -53 -34 BOB