Bashar Hussien


Calgary, Alberta


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Zenair CH 200/250/300
Project Status
Building From
Purchased finished aircraft
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot, Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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  • Michael W Mallock

    Hello Bashar, I am getting very near to decision time for choosing a plane, and am leaning heavily towards a CH750, to that end I have been looking for someone with a CH750 to spend some time with flying and perhaps getting a feel for the aeroplane!  is that something you might be interested in doing?


  • Michael W Mallock

    Hello Bashar


    Thank you for getting back to me, what times are best for you to get out to the airfield? Weekdays or weekends? I am about a five hour drive away so we will have to watch the weather and plan something after Christmas. Do you fly much in the winter? On warm days perhaps?




    Michael W Mallock

  • Michael W Mallock

    Hello again, Wetaskiwin would be perfect, please advise me when you come up here and I will do my utmost to meet you there!