Hi, Adam. Yes, I am scratch building but I originally started this as a kit. The tail, which I just completed, was all kit except for a few ribs that I had to re-fabricate after I had damaged the originals. Found that I enjoyed doing the scratch work so plan to complete the rest of the plane as a scratch-build. Will likely have to order spars and skins but can fabricate the rest. I see you're a Vet. I am retired Air Force. Thanks!
Yo soy argentino pero hace ya 22 años que vivo en Chile.
El año pasado construí de kit un Challenger II. Y este año empezaré en pocos dias mas la construcción también de kit del 750.
Tambilén te deseo suerte con tu proyecto que es mucho mas ambicioso que el mio. También me hubiera gustado construirlo de planos pero aqui es imposible conseguir los materiales.
David A. Judkins
Hi, Adam. Yes, I am scratch building but I originally started this as a kit. The tail, which I just completed, was all kit except for a few ribs that I had to re-fabricate after I had damaged the originals. Found that I enjoyed doing the scratch work so plan to complete the rest of the plane as a scratch-build. Will likely have to order spars and skins but can fabricate the rest. I see you're a Vet. I am retired Air Force. Thanks!
Jun 4, 2013
Steve Johnson
Thanks Adam....saw your family photo....beautiful kids/family photo!
Jun 21, 2013
Gracias Adam por darme la bienvenida al grupo.
Yo soy argentino pero hace ya 22 años que vivo en Chile.
El año pasado construí de kit un Challenger II. Y este año empezaré en pocos dias mas la construcción también de kit del 750.
Tambilén te deseo suerte con tu proyecto que es mucho mas ambicioso que el mio. También me hubiera gustado construirlo de planos pero aqui es imposible conseguir los materiales.
Roberto roberto@mirax.cl
Jun 27, 2013