Imad Jaroudi


Saudi Arabia

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Zenair CH 200/250/300
Project Status
Just started
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Planning on putting together a Zodiac and hope to do it soon.
Am in banking and trying to get into the local flying club but it seems they move on snail speed.

Comment Wall:

  • Mostefa Bourchak

    salam Imad.
  • Mostefa Bourchak

    thank you for the reply. I am actually more interested in using the Kit to teach students aircraft structural analysis through modelling parts and scratch building them. However, I am looking for funds from the University here to build a model for flying. After that, we aim to scratch build the zodiac if we can get a place to cut aluminum accurately (i.e. cnc machine). Now it's holiday time for us and inshaa Allah, I will be back by the end of July.
    Feel free to ask anything that I can help with and ofcourse tell us anything that can help us too!
    Aviation in this country has not been given enough attention and I am hoping we can change that!