Douglas Cheney

Walla Walla, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Purchased finished aircraft
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot

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  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    I've been pretty happy so far with the Jabiru 3300. I ran it hard within the parameters set by the guys at Jabiru USA and it seems to be working.

    I wonder why the German GVT and wind tunnel tests missed the flutter that continues to be an item of interest with the XL? The NTSB and FAA writings appear very self- contradictory. Lots of "no evidence of flutter" or "no cyclic failure indicated" followed by "flutter is strongly suggested or implicated".

    I keep getting the feeling that there is a lot more legal work than investigative work being done.

  • Jim Huckins

    Doug, still handling the Jabs ? I picked up an almost finished 701 to tour around San Antonio and S.Texas has the 912s. Still have the 172 also for travel.
  • Jim Huckins

    The 701 is real kick to fly around the patch, still considering a possible 601 for CX country...hangar getting a little full...probably need to turn the 172 to free up space.