Dwayne Roos

Drayton Valley,Alberta


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
45 ton picker operator in the oilfield
Started building and flying RC airplanes when I was 13.Built alot of scratch built rc planes with no plans and had good success.Flew planes for about 12 years.3 years ago I started flying RC helicopters and still flying.I love the helis because they are a challenge to fly well and they look cool!
Always dreamed of building and flying my own plane.

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  • Ron D Leclerc

    I know what you are saying! I order directly from Aircraft Spruce online. It's shipped out of there new warehouse in Brampton. So far have not ordered any big sheets... but the shipping costs are actually pretty good for the small sheets that I'm getting right now even though the dollar is of lower value right now. I have found that they have the best selection and quality and the servive is good.

    I don't think that you can go wrong with the 2270cc engine from Steve... don't forget the all aluminum case and Nikasil cylinders... they are a must have,
  • Ron Lendon

    I just did a 6 entry kitlog entry showing the process yesterday.


    Look for "bending flange on hardwood"
  • Joseph Begany


    I started my flying with RC heli's 25 years ago.  They were a lot more chalanging to learn to fly then than they are now.  Worked on inverted flight when no one had done it.  The old days of fly something new and  repair after your mistakes slowed your growth and dampered your desire to experiment.  Now with the sims availaable every punk kid has passed me up.  Sucks to be older.  Tried RC planes a few years ago.  I would like to fly in the XFC some day but now that I am working on a full size it may be a long while.  It's going to be great to finally get to start building my own airplane.  Enjoy.

    Joe Begany, Elyria, OH