Tim Reicker



Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Purchased finished aircraft
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Your website (about your aircraft...)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight), None
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
I worked for worksafe NB. for 34 years. When I turned 40 i decided to move my life long dream of flying an ultralight off water to the front burner and left NB for Ontario to learn to Paramotor as a cheap steeping stone. I was happy to Paramotor for about 13 years but still had the life long dream of flying a fixed wing ultralight off water when my buddy who had started flying paramotors at around the same time as I did but went on to become a certified flight instructor for both Paramotors & fixed wing ultralights introduced me to the 701 on Floats that he was refurbishing. He never built it, he had found it being hangered and picked it up as a project.Once it was completed I purchased it, took fixed wing training and am now on my way to fulfilling my life long dream. I am also now retired so hopfully will have more time for flying..
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)
Ossekeak Creak Hampton NB. Canada.

Comment Wall:

  • Wayne Woloshin

    Welcome to the Forum, if you ever get to Ontario or I get to New Brunswick I hope we could meet up.
  • Harry Letkeman

    Hello Tim, and congratulations on fulfilling your dreams.
    I wanted to fly since I was a kid, and built several wings from wood and aluminum growing up, luckily I did not kill myself, but none of them were a success. When a friend of mine got a powered paraglider, but had no one to train him, I tried it and self taught myself to fly it. It was a unit that was built by someone using a solo210 motor. It was not very well built, and me teaching myself was rough on the unit, so it was only functional for about a year until I permantly hung it on the wall in my garage. I have since built and flown my zenith for several years.
