Danny Creech


Subic Bay


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 701, STOL CH 750
Project Status
Building From
Partial kit
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Commercial / CFI
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Sold my CH-701 after finishing it. Now working on my own STOL design. But I do have plains to build a CH-750 in a few years with my wife. Currently I hold an ATP w-Types in 2 Jets, A&P, CAA ATP in the country of The Philippines, Gold Seal & Master CFI, CFII, MEI, Former Airline Pilot, FAASTeam member, Have built 3 CH-701s and finished out a CH-801. EAA Member & Vice-Pres of our local EAA Chapter, Lots of time in Experimental Aircraft of all kinds.

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  • terry w. thayer

    Mr. Creech,

    Thanks for inquiring, I couldn't get off work in the time frame you had before you were to go to Asia(?). Did you get the job? It also didn't sound like you had a plane to use for training. I'm going to Guadeloupe in two weeks- there are two flight schools there that use 701s for trainers, one on wheels and the other on floats. As to bending my 701 again- nope it's in the garage getting rewired.

                                                                        Cheers, Terry

  • Isaac Wee and Nita Maharani

    Hello Danny,

    Sorry its taken a while to reply but we haven't been active at all in the last year. The plane project has had to take a back seat but I hope to restart it soon with some help from Ade, who I believe has been in touch with you.

    Thanks for asking.

  • William Barton

    I would like to get in contact with Danny Creech about transition training and 701 inspection.

    Regards,  Bill Barton (Tyler TX)