Mike Chapman


Weatherford, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Other Zenith
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Picked up my CH750 Super Duty Tail and Fuselage kits in July, 2019. Waited until I could get my father to Texas (from Ohio) to start building.

Retired from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company / Former USAF pilot...T-37, T-38, B-52D, and B-52H.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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  • James Cain

    Hey Mike,

    I don't know if you've put together the slats yet but if you have a copy of the IPL, can you forward it to me? My entire kit came without any instructions (aka IPL) and when I asked about it, I was sent a link to Zenith's Google Drive but there is some missing info and a lot of IPLs are not there. I attempted to build the slats from the drawings and blue prints but they turned out with some major wrinkles in the skin and I'm unhappy and will have to start over on them. Overall, I find the edrawings to be very helpful but sometimes the IPL gives little hints that the drawings leave out. I occasionally find some photos with build tips but these are rare and not in one easy to find place.

    How's you build coming?


  • Keith Thomas

    Just looked up your profile. as well as accepted your friend request. I am a former Lockheed employee, laid off in the '80's could never get back. I was an Engineering Research Technician in So Cal. My dad was the first retiree to hit 51 years of employment. I thought about the SD but it doesn't have the folding wing option, I can't afford a hangar so I need to be able to bring it home. I am trying to build it in my shop/garage but have to move my truck or trailer out and back in every night. I live about halfway between Parker County and Mineral Wells airports.

  • Boyd Emmel

    Hi Mike,

    I returned my seats that were flawed  to Zenith and they replaced them. I can’t help you with a pattern. Sorry.

    Boyd Emmel