Kevin, Hope your kit comes as planned. You probably doing inventory right now! I've got the coords too. from the airnav. site, very nice website. I'll look tommorrow an see if your already in my gps, I'm thinking your are. Will check your pictures often, if I can help in ant way. You'll like the metric system much more than ours! Pat
Browsing through the site as usual I ran across your video's of what you call Torque Tube mods. I was just wondering what mods you made to the system? I have not started my project yet but I have studied my drawings. Also, what happened to the gentleman flying the 701 that you mentioned suffered a crash at takeoff. I didn't see any followup on the incident which must have been some time before April 2011. Since I haven't started my project I am on this site all the time studying and learning.
Feb 24, 2011
Lee Engel
Aug 8, 2011
Joseph Begany
Browsing through the site as usual I ran across your video's of what you call Torque Tube mods. I was just wondering what mods you made to the system? I have not started my project yet but I have studied my drawings. Also, what happened to the gentleman flying the 701 that you mentioned suffered a crash at takeoff. I didn't see any followup on the incident which must have been some time before April 2011. Since I haven't started my project I am on this site all the time studying and learning.
Joe B
Sep 8, 2011