Bruce Hood

Pearcy, AR

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot

Comment Wall:

  • Philippe VERDIER

    My engine comes from a BMW 1100 RT motorbike
  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Bruce,
    Thanks for the comments on the plane and the site. The CH701 has not flown yet, waiting for some more engine runs and system checks. I know that the Subie develops 105-110hp on the dyno-test and on the plane. Propeller is a WarpDrive
    nickel plated 70 inches 3 blade set at 11 degrees. From my last pictures, you can see that I'm in the process of splitting aileron/elevator controls. That was my last task. Everything is done. Waiting for nicer (hotter) weather to fly this thing !
    Need anything, just ask away !


  • Normand Lambert

    Hi Bruce,

    We did a few HIgh speed taxi runs and found out that 50-60% throttle will get the front wheel in the air and the main gear REALLY LIGHT... At 70% it will definitively fly. Controls are ligtht and the rudder is very effective in keeping the plane straight when enough speed is gained and the front wheel is off the runway.  Force applied to the elevator control seemed very light. All in all, very easy and controllable. Hope to have more REAL data soon.

