David DeAvila

Holland, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Currently deployed to Afghanistan. Plan on buying kit in June 2011 once deployment is over as a gift to myself for my 3 deployments, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

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  • Peter Siegle

    Tony made it 29 April, Thank you for asking
  • Randall Wade Grandpre

    Thot I would say HI.  I see your last update was in june?  ARe you distracted or just busy with your build?  I nhave my Viking eng. hung on the front of fuse. now and will start the 1001 little projects that makes it all run without letting you down.. Have fun!! semper fi Matts DAD

  • Jerry VanNuil

    David, How's the plane comming? My offer still stands for a flight when the weather gets better. Also if you want to come out and see my Zodiac let me know. I have most of the B upgrade done and percent complete is actually going in the positive direction again.
