Terry D Hobert


Olympia, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 701, STOL CH 750, Other Zenith
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
other auto conversion
Your website (about your aircraft...)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot, Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Started the 701, have decided on using a WW Corvair conversion, right now 2775 100+hp direction.
I have a good core engine, disassembled, cleaned, heads will go to and back from SPA, SPA for billet crank, billet rods and 5th bearing. WW conversion route.
Will use the 2775 pistons and cylinder billet rod set SPA offers that is WW product. With the.60 over cylinders and billet rod and crank it will save close to 7 to 10 lbs.
Fuselage airframe complete, firewall/motor mount and rudder pedals installed. Seats in and on gear. Doing controls and rigging now. Hope to finish wings next year. today is 3/01/2018.
12/20/2019 - Finally got a hanger, moved to Sunwood Lakes in Olympia WA. Retired now and with my new hanger at Olympia Airport,will resume my build. Fuselage is up on gear, control mixer and bellcranks, rudder petals, flap control, etc. installed. Windshield and bubble doors are fitted.
Last year earned my tail wheel endorsement and have been flying a 1946 J3 Cub. Cool flying an airplane 5 years older than I am! HaHa fun for sure.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Gene Kujawa


    Sorry that I have not responded to your last e-mail. I messed up my e-mail by changing the modem password, knocking mine and wife's accounts off line.


    Will get back to you once the probleme is fixed.

    Gene K.

  • Louis W. Ott

    Hi Terry,

    Thanks for contacting me. It is always good to know of other Zenith builders and Corvair power. I had about 100 hrs on my 2700cc Corvair in my 601 Xl whne I took it out to install another Corvair. This one is 3250cc and has many mods, most are not WW approved so I'm sort of an outcast there. I wanted more power so I could get better climb performance at high density altitudes. Your engine should do just fine in the 701.

  • ddsessions

    Hi Terry.  Got your message.

    You can contact me at ddsessions@gmail.com for the particulars of the 601 kit that I have for sale.

    Thanks, Doug Sessions

    Lincoln, Nebraska.

    Cool 701