Russ Harris

Heron, MT

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Purchased finished aircraft
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Carter

    Welcome to the family.

    I wish you the all the best with your project. If you ever get the chance to visit the Zenith factory please take the time to stop by our builder assist facility too. We are their newest and nearest builder assist facility and like to have visitors. We are right here in Mexico, Mo., not far from the factory.

    Take care and good luck,

    (By the way, great looking horse.)

    Bill Carter

    American Light Sport Aircrafters

    Builder Assist & Assembly Center

  • Gary L Graham


    We HAVE NOT solved the mystery. We did get temps cool enough to fly this winter. Cyl 5 & 6 still heat up on climb out to around 340 - 350.

    We contacted a gentleman in England who sent us his "patterns" for a plemun that he says, "will take care of your CHT problems" - it IS a pretty slick set up. Also have pics of another plenum installation from a fellow member of the Yahoo Group "jabiruengines" that seems to work for him. We are also looking at the SONEX Jab 3300 Baffles ( I DO NOT believe we will ever get there using the Jab supplied baffles - I could be wrong. 

    If you would like to see the pics I have just let me know. 
