Paul Poulsen




Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot, Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Technical Writer,
RAAF Engines/Airframes

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  • Robin Hilliard

    Hi Paul - are you the RAAF builder at Nowra? Allan may think I'm scratch building to save money, but actually it's because I'm an amateur aero engineer with a few of my own designs coming together in CAD, X-Plane etc, and I want the scratch building experience for these future projects :-).

    I've also got a share in an Archer, 206 and Saratoga at Bankstown so I don't have to finish the project to go flying. I suspect it's going to take the best part of a decade to put this together (we're talking floats, amphibious floats :-) ), but it should be fun.

  • Chris Hoare

    Hi Paul

    I see you are building a 750 to hows it all going,hope to touch base on your project and to compair notes ,


    Where are you located in WA, I live in Denmark

  • Chris Hoare

    Hi Paul
    Just noticed a post sorry I have not looked recently, hows far are you allong with your kit i just clecoed my first wing together over the weekend have now finised slats flaps and tail.
    I have had teck inspections from the start as there is a good saaa chapter here in Albany/Denmark which i am a member of and wanted to know I was doing it write ,don't know which way to go on registration yet.
    I am looking at motors know thinking of a 235 lycoming for the extra HP.
    We fly to Bunbury Every now and the for breakey at the aero club i might see you there if you attened.
    Feel to call and chat some time.