Kimbull McAndrew

De Winton, Alberta


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Purchased finished aircraft
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Rotax 912
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Built a custom Quickie Q-115 with a Lycoming O-235C1B (115 HP)and a canard that I designed. Flew it for 500+ hours. Now have 150 fun flying hours on the 701 with no significant problems!
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)
Private near Okotoks AB

Comment Wall:

  • david shrader

    We're getting around 28mph on airspeed, I'm saying around 28 because we're still in flight test stage. So take it with a grain of salt. Uncalibrarted airspeed indicator

  • david shrader

    That was full flap no power stall, without looking at the test flight sheets I would guess that with similar power settings and full flaps it would stall at 28. We've also experimented with landings. Without slats we have done approaches at 50mph with and without flaps both landings are similar, power idle, hold 50 to flair, hold it off till it won't fly. There isn't any trouble holding the nose up and we don't have to add any power at flare. That being said we have vg's on the elevator and our elevator/horizontal are wider than stock 701..... We copied the 750 dimensions. We have no issues with lack of elevator authority all the way to landing, like others have reported. The second 701 were building has the long wing and stock horizontal with a beanie mod, this way we can evaluate the the aircraft and determin the mods that work best. The third 701 will have long wing with slats. A side by side by side compairson can be made. No. 2 is waiting on avionics I expect it to fly this spring.
  • charlie rosenzweig


    Thanks for the offer.

    The kit is 95% complete, in fact it is even painted.    There is nothing FWF.  No engine etc.    Besides the FWF it still needs a panel and the upholstery wheel pants and fairings, a few things like that.

    I don't have many pictures as it is all separated in my shop at home.

    I think $21k is a fair price.

    If you are still interested let me know.
