Brad d'Entremont

West Pubnico, Nova Scotia


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Teacher-retired in 2004.
Developed and managed a 30.6 MW windfarm for last 4 years.
Our RV-10 is finished, flies great and is very fast...about 150 kts at 63%cruise.
Have trained two people on float flying with the CH701 this summer.

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  • Rusty King

    Thanks for the invitation, I will examine my vacation opportunities for later this year but before it gets cold. I should know how my work assignments will go after I finish my Montana job in early to mid may... Happy flying.
  • Rusty King

    Have a safe trip, check out the Viking engines, that is what I am installing and will be receiving it in June.
  • Rich M Ward

    Brad, just checking in. About 6 months ago, I finally began building a 750 STOL kit. It's been a bit of a slow start, but I'm having fun. Not as much fun as flying around the Yarmouth Basin, though. Love the pictures. Hope all is well.