Eric Shupperd


Windfall, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Just started
Building From
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)

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  • Chuck Long

    Tough to get started, but once you get in the groove, it's a fun project.  If you can spend 4 hours a week, you eventually finish.  The Zodie Rockets fly great once completed.


    Best regards,


  • Dave Gardea

    Hi Eric, good to know another Hoosier that's building a Zodiac. What questions about the build might I be able to help answer? Works best for me to contact me via email at




  • Larry Zepp

    Hi Eric,

    Have you been to the factory for the workshop or built the rudder kit? I was too scared to screw up the rudder to start for a long time - too much of a perfectionist! I should have gone to the factory for a good start, but didn't think I could spare the time from the business I was starting. I finally got some sheathing aluminum from Lowes as scrap material and got going. For me, the rudder kit should have had 2-4 pcs. labeled SCRAP that I could practice on.

    After seven years of working on the business and letting the aircraft project set, I decided to upgrade my XL parts to the 650B. The bigger canopy gives me a lot more headroom. I built my XL rudder for practice in my home shop in Fort Wayne, then started on the stabilizer. I love the pre-drilled parts that are available now! This saves a lot of time, eliminates possible layout errors and builds much faster. I ordered my wing kit today.


    Best Regards, Larry Zepp - EAA Ch. 2, Fort Wayne