Slats vs VGs - beating a dead horse ?

Hi all,

I've got my wings built to the point where I'm about to drill/cleco the leading edge skins. I'm getting cold feet about the slat vs VG debate. 

I have the brackets already built and clecoed on to the nose ribs as per the build manual. I have read the STOL Speed article on the slat/vg comparison and I am now hesitant to put my slats on and just leave my nose skins untouched.ive also read rockydogs build and others who've built thr slatted wing only to remove them after the fact.  Here are my thoughts so far:


Part of the original design

They look really cool and sort of define the sky jeep

The aircraft WILL perform as advertised with them

Lots of data on flight Characteristics


Extra weight

Extra build time

Decreased cruise performance 

May not provide any noticeable STOL characteristics compared to a vg.

Is there any other considerations I've not thought of here ? 



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    Bob Simmons

    It's fairly easy to switch between the two, so try both and use what you like most.

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      John Burns

      It is easy to take the slats off.  They do add to the fun factor and make those over tree landings easy.

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        Michael Barrie

        I just figured i would update this discussion. I unwrapped my nose skins after finishing up the work on the lower skins/trailing edge skins and see that the good people at zenith have already made CNC cuts in the nose skins to accommodate the slat bracket protruding through. So, with that work already done i believe i will leave the brackets in place and run the slats as per the original design. 
