JG Ginther


Burke, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Purchased finished aircraft
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info

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  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    Nope not yet. I'm a pretty good dog if you feed me right, so I have played by the rules. We have an aerobatic contest going on at my airport this weekend and I won't do a first flight with high performance planes doing practice routines up in the box. I'll get there when the weather and cicumstances are right for it. I've waited like an adult for 37 months already, so.... what's another week or two among friends?

    Stand by for the update though. I didn't build this to be a museum piece.

  • John Cange

    I wanted to ask you how you liked the "Y" stick. If I had to do all over again, I'd get one with dual sticks, I think. The Y stick is a real challenge when you're in turbulence and you need to do something, like change radio frequencies, with your right hand. It just seems like your right hand is totally comitted to flying the plane, where if you had dual sticks managing instruments would be so much easier.
  • Chumphol Sirinavin

    Last April must have been bad for CH601 builders/owners. Since school days, I have learned of aircraft accidents all along history of flight. Orville and Lt.Selfridge had a big one, and I have had many bad landings to walk away from, including many close calls. Determination and Stubborn do share the same coin.

    Keep up your good writing, and I can do without Sunday papers supplements.

