William D. Phillips

Forsyth, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Partial kit
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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  • Ted Taylor

    William, Used the stock banana hole that was provided by the factory. With proper fitting, it required no modification, at least on mine. —Ted

  • Daniel Niendorff

    Thanks for making contact.  KOPN isn’t that far from me.  That would make good day trip one day this summer.  I’d love to meet up and swap notes, and see your 801 build. I’ll shoot you some possible dates as my work schedule develops.  My email is dan@[my last name].org. 

  • Daniel Niendorff


    Sorry I missed your message a few weeks back. As for the no-slot-Flaperon, I did make my own. I based my design roughly on what Charles Liming has posted at http://www.liming.org/ch801/FHNSF.html
    I hope that helps! I would also love to have a look at what you have designed for sliding seats. Send me an email directly at MyFirstName(Dan)@MyLastname.org. I’m in FL this week, and will be flying the 801 back up through GA on my way to Knoxville. Would be a good time to stop in and see your project, and you can look over the no-slat-Flaperon. Email your phone # and I’ll give you a call when I head back northbound.
