Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Time: June 16, 2018 from 8am to 2pm
Location: Zenith Aircraft factory in Mexico, Missouri
Website or Map:…
Phone: 573-581-9000
Event Type: fly-in, fly in, summer, spring, open house, zenith, 2017
Organized By: Zenith Aircraft Company
Latest Activity: Jun 17, 2018
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Join us for our annual "Fly In to Summer" Open Hangar Day and Fly-In Gathering at the Zenith Aircraft Factory: Saturday, June 16, 2018.
This is an informal grass-roots Zenith fly-in and builder gathering held at the kit manufacturing factory in Mexico, Missouri.
In contrast to our annual late summer / fall Open Hangar Days (with scheduled workshops and forums), the June event is an informal morning fly-in, with no specific scheduled activities.
The Zenith Aircraft factory will be open from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm for self-guided factory tours, demonstrations, and more. Hot lunch and refreshments will be available and we'll also have coffee in the morning.
Buzzair Flight Academy will be attending with a couple of their Zenith LSA training aircraft. Contact Buzzair directly to schedule flight or transition training during, before or after the Open Hangar Day. Tel. 931-244-7000
Owners of completed Zenith Aircraft are encouraged to fly-in to show off their completed project to fellow builders (we will provide tie-down space and help facilitate ground transportation if possible). Let us know of any special needs or requirements.
Thanks to all who came by to visit and participate. Highlights from the annual spring "Fly In To Summer" Open Hangar Day at the Zenith Aircraft kit factory in Mexico, Missouri. Despite the record heat, a great day at the Zenith Aircraft kit factory:
Highlights from last year's event:
Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...
Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith:
Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
Transition training:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
How to videos from
Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.
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Exlusive online community for active builders and pilots of Zenith Aircraft kits (Chris Heintz / Zenair light airplane designs).
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