Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hello, Clint
Do you remember what type of parts you used in your pedal rods going through the firewall?
They look like nylon nuts, perhaps AS&S Nylon Seal Fittings 282-N Bulkhead Union...?
Thanks in advance for any info...
CH601-HD, plans
Hey Clint,
Got your reply about landing lights and AeroElectric. Thanks for that.
can we chat outside of the forum, I’d like to take you up on being a bit of a building mentor, I don’t have anyone around building a Cruzer, I haven’t even seen one yet I am building one. My email is bfreeppg at gee male dot com, I hope you get this, hat the forum filter doesn’t pick up my deliberate mistake. I wonder why they don’t encourage comms outside of the forum, other than Zenith get to profile people and be eaves droppers…..makes me sound like I am paranoid. Anyway, would love to chat via email. 👋
Enjoyed your night landings video at KCID. I just committed to build a 750 Cruzer (Aug delivery). I fly into CR frequently from my farm strip IA26 to visit my daughter and family. In fact we;re visiting this weekend. Any chance I could connect with you (if not this weekend perhaps another) to see your plane and listen to the voice of experience.
Russ Davis
Hi Clint thought I'd drop in and see the progress as always your work is fantastic. I'm hoping to move to the airport be fore the end of month
thanks clint you can't believe how simple it is to just put it together i have decided to cut the elevator crank off of the torque tube, there was a post on line that someone did that i really liked and am kind of copping it i can't remember his name but will get it and post the credit to him. having fun see you at mexico in september, my son and i will be going early to attend c.c 34 and finish the build of my corvair motor
Hi how did you make the bend for that z bend on the back of slats? On my break I will have to make the first 90 and then turn the sheet over to make the second bend and that will be against the first bend , not good
hi clint what wire did you use for your position lights? I think I'm going to use aveo powerburst, from a/s. I'm still not sure if it has to be used with shielded or regular. in there info sheet they suggest 20 ga but do not say shielded ????? What lights did you use thanks Ron
hi clint; ron zielke here. could you please sent me your home or cell to my personal email would like to ask some questions but not on this form. And a good time to call. Thanks for your help.
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