Dan Stanton
  • Male
  • Jackson, MI
  • United States
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750 Gas tank

Left tank from 750 cruzer. $250 Plus shipping.Call for explanation, long story. Does NOT leak.51774 zero eight 749DanSee More
Jul 25, 2019

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STOL CH 701, CH 750 Cruzer, STOL CH 801
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Dan Stanton's Blog

Viking engine

Posted on July 1, 2012 at 4:19pm 1 Comment

In spite of every thing I could do to screw up this engine, it is still running like a top.
I found some kind of goo that had gotten into the tanks and was plugging up the fuel supply just enough to let it run, but no…

Viking wiring

Posted on May 20, 2012 at 7:18am 2 Comments

Well after replacing the nose strut and getting the engine checked over, I have changed the entire wireing system over to the Viking wire moduel. Engine now starts much better than before. I can't figure out just why the ECU didn't like the system that I started out with. At this point, I don't care why, just that it works now! And it does.

I would like to thank Jan, Casey, Kira and the rest for all the work they did on my engine after the prop strike. One tough…



Posted on February 9, 2012 at 8:11am 5 Comments

I think the starting problem has been solved! I got the ECU back fron Jan with the latest updat installed. Have 4 or 5 starts with the temp in the 25-35 deg. range.It seems to fire up after a few revs, but gining how cold it was, thats not bad. WAY LOT better than before.

Now if we could just get some warm weather.



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At 3:54pm on April 24, 2013, Tim Coffman said…

Hello Dan,

I currently have the VW with re-drive. I see from your pictures, you had a similar setup. I'd like to talk to you about the Viking engine. I'm thinking of replacing my VW and am considering the Viking.



At 9:06pm on October 29, 2012, Steven Winn said…

Hey Dan,

Thanks for the kind words about my project. I am pushing for a Thanksgiving 2012 test flight.

I am curious how much time you have put on your Viking, and what kind of performance you are getting. Climb rate? Cruise? Are you pleased with the Viking 701 combo? Any issues during weight and balance?

So many questions....

Steven Winn

At 3:22pm on February 10, 2012, Joseph Begany said…


I guess thaat's the question. Jan modified the ECU for Cold Weather starts but if the ECU needed to be modified then how does the ecu cnow if it is cold or not. Now that it is modified to start in cold weather will there be an issue in warm weather. the question to ask is weather or not Jan has made the identical update to his ECU since he is flying in much warmer weather right now. Dan, I'm not trying to stir things up. Basically it is a question of "Does the ECU know what the temperature is outside ither through the air intake temperature of the coolant temperature sensors?" If it has a way to tell the difference then the programing can conttain routines based on the outside temperature.

Have you actually been up in the air with the new ECU?

Have a wonderful weekend. It won't be good fro flying but there are some interesting looking movies out! :)

See you soon. Take care.

Joe B

At 10:55am on February 10, 2012, Joseph Begany said…


Is the ECU linked to a temperature sensor to adjust for the outside temperature?  Will the changes Jan made to the programing of the ECU affect the start up ability in warm or hot temperatures or is it manualy adjustable in some way?

Joe b

At 9:41am on February 3, 2012, Joseph Begany said…


Have you been getting up in the air this winter?  I'm glad it's been a mild winter.  I wan't really up for a tough one this year.  There have been some really nice days here for flying but I haven't taken the CT up since December.  If I had my own aircraft I think I would have taken advantage of some of hte really nice days though.  I'm probably going to wait till March before heading up to visit.

Joe B

At 6:00pm on February 1, 2012, Darren Stevenson said…


Thanks, They look great.


At 8:31am on January 19, 2012, Joseph Begany said…


Are you flying out of Jackson County.  It looks like it would be about an hour long lfight depending on the wind.  I rent out of Lorain County.  I would love to fly up and visit when we get a patch of decent weather.

Joe B

At 3:43pm on January 13, 2012, Ben Schaefer said…


Check out Vikings website.  You are displayed in the News section.


At 9:04am on October 13, 2011, Mike Ice said…

Hi Dan,


Good work on the Viking.



At 9:07am on August 16, 2011, Mason Bullard said…

OK, Thanks Dan, I'll look at that, and from the pics, it looks like everything is going good on your viking istall, good luck with the rest of it,( cant wait till I get mine, unfortunately looks like the August deliveries have been put off till Dec.) I appreciate the pics and any information you can pass along durring your installation.



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