Kevin Kinney
  • Southwestern Ohio
  • United States
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  • David Gallagher

Kevin Kinney's Page

Profile Information

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Nearly done
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Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
I work on many computers that do NOT run Windows.
Mainframe, RISC, etc

Initial entry

It seems as if my initial entry in this log will (HOPEFULLY!) be one of the last few of my build.
My project is sitting on the back patio, fully assembled. The wings come off and on as necessary. The left one is coming off as the pitot/static is leaking and I want to change to some more secure connections. The right one is going to come of because in putting it on the last time, I dinged the fuel line up pretty badly and need to replace it.
I'm almost temped to replace the short section inside the fuse with flexible hose. This way, I won't have this problem again and if the fuel line has to be changed, I won't need to take the wings off. Just a thought...

At this moment, the apple tree it's sitting under has blossomed and is losing its petals. My plane looks pretty good wearing pink.

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At 8:50pm on March 24, 2010, Kevin Kinney said…
At 4:16pm on March 24, 2010, Tim Garrett said…
Kevin, Dr. Moody, Dave, Please share details of "that failure mode".
At 8:12pm on March 23, 2010, Dr. Edward M. Moody II said…
Likewise Kevin, I offer my sympathy about the accident and my gratitude that you are not hurt physically. Dave Gallagher emailed me about the off field landing and the fence popping up at the last minute. That was a raw deal to say the least.

The folks at Jabiru USA really stressed the braid armored hose and AN fittings to Dave and me and everyone at the FWF seminar we attended. Apparently you aren't the first victim of that failure mode.

I hope you can get back to flying ASAP,

At 7:39pm on March 23, 2010, Tim Garrett said…
Kevin, I'm so sorry to hear of your accident but really glad you are OK? Since you are blogging I'm guessing you are ok? If it helps, you can share with this crowd. We want to learn all we can from experiences like this. You will have our sympathy.
At 9:19pm on February 5, 2010, Kevin Kinney said…
Yup, I've been up a couple times since Xmas. Flying in big sloppy turns, getting used to those ailerons.
I went up one day specifically to test crosswind capability. It was 10 kts. That was the limit of my comfort zone and I went around on the first approach. The combination of the dead heavy ailerons combined with the pitch sensitivity freaked me a bit.
The second approach landed just fine, but maybe I'll wait for a lesser crosswind.
At 9:06pm on February 5, 2010, David Gallagher said…

Five hours inspetions.......have you flown any more lately? I have been doing the upgrade, but the cold weather has slowed things up. All solid riveting is complete and the wings are close to bring done.

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