Michael Dawson
  • Coshilowäteli, Amazonas
  • Venezuela
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Michael Dawson's Page

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Missionary working with the Yanomamö in Amazonas, Venezuela

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At 12:03am on March 11, 2011, joshua knowles said…

HI michael,


i see you are one that has tried out the LOM engine and did not seem to have much luck with it.  i obtained a kit that was set up wtih the LOM but has not been installed yet and i am going to give it a shot and hope i have better luck.  i am operating out of Kenya at a elevation of 6500 ft and Avgas is nearly impossible to keep stocked..   i do have a few questions about your LOM set up on the airframe, if you wouldnt mind helping me out.   first has to do with the oil system..  did you use the original oil  resivor from a ZLIN or did you custom make one, what about all the other hoses, check vlaves, etc.. and the oil cooler.  i dont have any of that and need to start from scratch .

  also did you use all  rods for throttle, mixture, and prop, or did oyu covert to cables?

and lastly , air intake.  did you build your own intake box,  was it piped to the front? if you happen to have any pictures of this, that would be great!


cheers josh

At 3:49pm on December 23, 2009, Phillip Owens said…
Dear Michael, Sorry tohear that your operations in the jngle have been so curtailed and that your engine has not had the opportunity to meet upwith the airframe. Do you have any idea of why the authorities have restricted jungle operations? I know how valuable air service is in a area like yours both to the indiginious people as well as all of the missionary staff and families, at times it can and often does become a matter of life or death. We will do our best to put in some good words for you, not that I have any influence with the greater power just a simple request. Peace be with you!
At 12:42pm on December 22, 2009, Phillip Owens said…
Michael, Have you obtained a different engine for the 801 yet? I know the LOM didn't last as long as hoped. I am using the Jabiru 5100 180 HP 8 cylinder and have to tell you is it about as smooth as a turbine!!!! Lots of power! Had Craig Catto make a custom 3-blade prop and we get about 800#+ thrust, airplane weighs in at 1242#.
At 12:35am on July 15, 2009, Mehmet ARIKAN said…
Dear Dawson,
I did 701, only 3 months but, working day and night. Thank you for your answer.
At 8:04am on July 13, 2009, Mehmet ARIKAN said…
Dear Dawson,
At 9:33am on December 30, 2008, Zenith.Aero said…
Mike: Welcome to the zenith.aero website, an online community for and about Zenith aircraft builders and flyers.
We invite you to update your profile listing: Please feel free to upload building and flying photos. Make sure to include a descriptive title for the photo as well as details (who, what, where, when...)
We look forward to reading more about your activities on zenith.aero

All the best for the new year!

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