Phillip Owens
  • Male
  • Beloit, WI
  • United States
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Phillip Owens's Discussions

Fiberglass cowl $500.00

Started this discussion. Last reply by Phillip Owens Oct 5, 2011. 23 Replies


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Phillip Owens's Blog

1st Flight after cooler swap

Posted on May 1, 2011 at 3:40pm 0 Comments

Had the opportunity on Friday to get into the air for a test of the new oil cooler. 

 Lots of traffic  and had to spend a lot of time holding short for takeoff, oil temps remained well within limits, Left bank CHT's got a little warmer than I would like but remained within limits. managed to get about .8 hr of flight and landed to check for potential oil leaks. Found one connection that needed tightening and will check it again on the next flight. Minimum loss of oil.

New Positech oil cooler & Mew Manifold pressure guage insalled

Posted on April 11, 2011 at 3:05pm 0 Comments

Today we managed to finish the installation of the new Positech Oil cooler and the new manifold pressure guage as well as re fit the cowl. engine has been tested and no leaks were found. Washed down the engine and fuselage with mineral spirits to remove any residual oil from the previous leak.

During the ground run the manifold pressure guage indicated 12" @ 1000 RPMS and 15" @ 1600 RPMS it will be interesting to see what the indications are at the next takeoff. Aircraft has a fixed…


Oil on the ground

Posted on March 17, 2011 at 7:27pm 11 Comments

Had a beautiful day on wednesday 65 degrees and clear skies so opened the hangar and brought out the plane for a short hop after the long winter.

Preflight went normal and I got airborne without a hitch, climbed out and flew for about 45 minutes and CHT temps seemed to be lowering, noted the oil temp seemed to be getting a little hoter than normal so I returned to the field and landed, went into the restraunt for a bowl of soup and when I came out there was oil all over the ground…


short flight after modifications to plug wires & oil cooler

Posted on November 23, 2010 at 4:24pm 0 Comments

On Monday rolled out the 801 with the cowling off, warmed up the engine and reset the idle to 800 RPM warm, put the cowl back on and added some fuel then rolled to Rwy 22 for another test flight. Plane came off the ground after only a short roll and was climbing at 80 MPH, cylinder temps remained within the limits and noted the oil temp had dropped to 220-240 F and held there, EGT s remained balanced throughout the flight. Flight was very bumpy as a storm was brewing just south of the airport… Continue

plug wire changes

Posted on November 19, 2010 at 4:04pm 0 Comments

I had noted the plug wires as originally run appeared to be blocking airflow into and around the cylinders, so to improve the airflow I changed the location and manner in which the plug wires were run. The photos posted are only a few of those that tell the story of the change and I will try to include more photos as allowed. Take notice of the clear air pathway thru the intake plenums and how the plug wires now are barely visable within the plenum. I also made use of the old plug holes to…


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At 10:19pm on September 15, 2021, Guy Zindel said…

Thanks Phil, 

Need to pull the wings and move it to my hangar, then it'll be a a couple weeks and it'll be back to its flyoff phase again... That was started a long time ago but it never got finished, so it'll be up to me!

Did I read that right? You donated yours?


At 6:18am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on ( ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 8:47am on October 6, 2011, Jake Reyna said…

Phillip, I've been watching your cowl development, we've been on the same path dealing with similar issues. I fixed the inlets and use 4" Scat to make the connection to the cht cooling ducts.

The last piece, as you mention is the cowl exit. My original design is adequate and extends just past the firewall. I'm also running dual exhaust and had added cuffs to prevent airflow back into the rear cowl. Just finished making a new bottom that I will bond to the lower cowl, it incorporates the exhaust cuffs, is deeper and extends farther aft.

Thanks for the tips. Good to hear what others are doing to address the cooling issues associated with the Jabiru engine.


At 1:39am on January 6, 2011, joshua knowles said…
first flights are always a little tense..!  well done.  josh
At 4:30pm on December 21, 2010, Paul Sanders said…

Thanks for your advice on the compressor, I'll be checking out Sears and the other stores after Christmas.

At 3:43pm on November 14, 2010, William Hagood said…
Hello Phillip, You have mentioned to modifications to other builders that I would like more info on; the slotless flaps and the reinforced firewall/nose-gear. Can yo point me toward specifics? Thanks, William
At 5:57pm on October 30, 2010, Jake Reyna said…
Phillip, I've been watching your cowl and exhaust development. I was looking at the photos you posted recently and was going to comment on the similarities. I'm going to modify my lower cowl and merge my exhaust cuffs with my oil cooler exhaust. This will give me a cleaner shape. We're on the same path and it does sound good ;-)

At 9:17pm on October 7, 2010, Bob McDonald said…
I posted pictures of a simple velcro strap that Angus Watt designed. He had a door on his CH750 open and "depart the airframe" in flight. I have pictures of this strap posted on my page (Angus doesn't take pictures). Might be helpful.?

At 10:53am on August 29, 2010, Robin Boyd-Moss said…

I have flown my plane which is great. We are now waiting for the C of A to fly again. All seems ok I hope your plane is too.

At 5:20am on July 24, 2010, William Hagood said…
Thanks, Philip.  I just picked up my kit from the prior owner.  The first order of business will be an inventory and thorough review of the builders logs.  I  am excited to take on this project, and am sure I will need lots of help!  Thanks for your offer!   William

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